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Sick Days - It's Not Just Teachers


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Jul 29, 2002
Above 7

It appears that the majority of public sector employees abuse sick days. They take an average of 2.5 times more sick days than the private sector costing us billions annually. The Government is finally going to do something about it.

Cue the whining from oldjones , groggy and wiggle and all the other freeloaders in the public sector. They are much more content to complain about $16 dollar orange juice to deflect from their own abuses :D


New member
Mar 28, 2004
If the doctor signs the note then there is nothing that can be done.
Sure there is. Re-write the agreements. End sick leave carry over so that stress leave (which makes up HALF of public sector sick leave) does not entitle an employee to full pay for months on end while they 'recuperate' from all the 'stress' of the office. After your reasonable allocation of sick leave is used up - say a week, say whatever the private sector gets - the public employee then has to enter the unemployment/workers' comp system that everyone else has to use. That paperwork and the reduction in pay while they are off on sick leave, will put attendance rates back in line with the rest of the workforce.

Also end volunteer days, personal days, and all the other bullshit entitlements that have been negotiated over the years. Or, leave them in and roll back salaries. Or, gut the agencies that provide very little benefit to Canadians, so those agencies that DO provide a needed public service, have the resources they need to do so.

Lots can be done.

Possum Trot

New member
Dec 7, 2009
The public sector will banckrupt the country in the same fashion that they have trashed Europe.
The really annoying part is that "management" (whoever the fuck that is) is going to put all kinds of money and effort into improving "back to work" and "rehab" programmes to get people back to work sooner.

Exactly what kind of "rehab" do you need after taking multiple long weekends at the cottage? Clearly the "managers" (who are probably the worst offenders) either don't understand that these people are simply seducing the hound, or feel that they are justified in these extra "vacation" days. I know a bunch of teachers who, because they spend 99% of their time socializing with other teaches, actually BELIEVE that they are hard-done-by. I imagine it's the same in any government bureaucracy...

They need to bring the contracts in line with the private sector. Most companies give ,what, three days sick leave a year? The big corporate employers might give a few more, but only with a letter. More than that, you go on disability and deal with an insurance company..

Such bullshit...


Feb 13, 2013
I admit the public sector has it better than the private sector when it comes to, sick days, benefits, and pensions, but I don't hate the public sector for it. I'm envious. These private sector companies are making a tonne of money, hand over fist, and it all goes to corporate greed. Don't you think these corporate owners and ceo's can give up some cash or take an insignificant pay cut to give back to the people that help make them the huge salaries?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I admit the public sector has it better than the private sector when it comes to, sick days, benefits, and pensions, but I don't hate the public sector for it. I'm envious. These private sector companies are making a tonne of money, hand over fist, and it all goes to corporate greed. Don't you think these corporate owners and ceo's can give up some cash or take an insignificant pay cut to give back to the people that help make them the huge salaries?
you are missing the point
Public sector employees it appears have abused the entitlement they believe goes with a govt job.

The aim of the “disability management initiative” is to get sick and injured workers back to work faster and to tackle a more than $5-billion liability in banked sick days.
On any given day, 19,000 public servants are booked off on some kind of sick leave. On average, federal employees were absent 12.5 days last year — twice the rate of employees in the private sector. In the core public service, workers are off an average of 18 days, when paid and unpaid sick leave, workers’ compensation and disability are taken into account.
Read more:

Read more:


Feb 13, 2013
I get the point, but it isn't entitlement. Most government workers are earning 1.5 sick days a month, that's 18 a year.
The problem lies within the contract. If they're allowed this many days and more, you can bet the majority is going to take them.
This was the agreement.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I get the point, but it isn't entitlement. Most government workers are earning 1.5 sick days a month, that's 18 a year.
The problem lies within the contract. If they're allowed this many days and more, you can bet the majority is going to take them.
This was the agreement.
And who do you think is involved in negotiating the agreement?
No sense of entitlement there at all

Meanwhile there is talk of raising taxes to pay for much needed transit infrastructure
In about 5 years time there will be a health care crisis and there will be no $ to pay for that

I suggest you not get sick in 5 years time as the public sector employees will have siphoned off all the funds needed to cure you
rest easy knowing they spent half of those days at their cottage or in the pub


Mar 12, 2004

I get the point, but it isn't entitlement. Most government workers are earning 1.5 sick days a month, that's 18 a year.
The problem lies within the contract. If they're allowed this many days and more, you can bet the majority is going to take them.
This was the agreement.
How does one "earn sick days" anyway.

I don't think the agreement was for civil servants to call in and lie about being sick.

Many people have jobs that will pay for sick days, but most if not all will ONLY take them when they are ACTUALLY SICK.

When ever I did call in to take a sick day, the boss would invariably say something to the effect, "hope your feeling better".

Civil servants on the other hand I guess, call in and their supervisor says,..."enjoy your day off".

Dec 28, 2006
I've worked in the public and private sectors and would agree that the latter is usually more efficient. But I disagree with those who attack public sector compensation packages. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Yes, the public sector needs to be made more efficient, but private sector employers, (say with 500 employees or more), should have to offer pensions, adequate health provisions etc.

As for the sick day issue, many public sector organizations dealt with the abuse, or are in the process of doing so. The original fault for this abuse has to be shared between the employees who used sick days incorrectly and the management that designed a system which begged to be abused. Banking sick days makes no sense.


Feb 13, 2013
No doubt CUPE negotiated, but it's the Mayor's Office and Council that agreed to it.
Wish I had CUPE or a union negotiating on my behalf, then we wouldn't be over a barrel every time our contract is up.
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