Toronto Escorts

Show Richard Peddie the love.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
The world's most intrepid sports executive sniffs the smoke in the air, dons his toga and tunes his violin.

Ever since he outmaneuvered Ken Dryden, Richard Peddie has behaved as if he is the de facto owner of MLSE. So is he a Machavellian martinet or is he just misunderstood?

Comments please.


Well-known member
Aug 19, 2001
Kathleen said:
I'd like to see MLSE owned by one person. Once the top is cleaned out, then JFJ should go.
since that isn't going to happen this decade....should they keep Fergie around till then??? I say throw him overboard and look for a replacement during the next few months after appointing an interim replacement now. I don't particularly care for the Leafs myself, but I do think that Leaf Nation needs to feed.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts