Shop Local, Proven Talent - Forget The Classifieds


New member
Jan 7, 2005
Instead of complaining about the lack of local ads, why not support local business's that have proven themselves time and again. Believe me, when you shop around the local classifieds or test the waters where no-one has been before you never know what you're going to get and why waste your time and money?

In days gone by that's what you had to do because there wasn't much alternative. Today, with the advent of web sites like this you don't have to do that anymore.

Think about it, If you guys would shop locally and support proven service providers (like Playmates) you'd probably find that they'd be able to attract a few more girls to work in the area because the business would be there. I believe that they have ponied up and have proven to provide decent women but they won't stick around if they aren't supported in their endevours and everyone looses. Let them do the searching for the good ones and quit wasting your money.

The trouble is, from my perspective, there isn't enough business locally to attract decent women and keep them here. And that's our fault.

But then again, if you want to do carry on and cruise the papers that's your business. Cheers
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