...the MMR vaccine to promote cancer for generations to come
If you're going to get a vaccine or allow your children to get a vaccine. At least read the manufacturers pamphlet and then ask your Doctor specifically what the ingredients are. And what are the long term effects of allowing the injection of such chemicals into your bloodstream. Do this for every ingredient that you find questionable. Then ask your Doctor to provide you Scientific studies on the long term effects and effectiveness of mixing each of these ingredients and injecting it into your bloodstream. And then ask our Doctor i8s there any variance in the studies related to different blood types ? And ask for a copy of these studies.
I'll tell you right now that not a single Doctor can answer those questions let alone one of the questions.
If you're going to get a vaccine or allow your children to get a vaccine. At least read the manufacturers pamphlet and then ask your Doctor specifically what the ingredients are. And what are the long term effects of allowing the injection of such chemicals into your bloodstream. Do this for every ingredient that you find questionable. Then ask your Doctor to provide you Scientific studies on the long term effects and effectiveness of mixing each of these ingredients and injecting it into your bloodstream. And then ask our Doctor i8s there any variance in the studies related to different blood types ? And ask for a copy of these studies.
I'll tell you right now that not a single Doctor can answer those questions let alone one of the questions.