She takes the film in with naked pics !


Oct 19, 2005
My friend asks me since im going out if i could do her a favour ...I was feeling ill but i said ok fine !Will you pick up 24 pics so i can send them to **** her man over seas .So i said ok fine i need tylenol anyways lol waiting in line ..waiting ..waitin ...wondering WTF is taking these people so long ..its like 20 minutes ..then managers are coming over and more assissant keyholders i think they were called .....then a couple of young guys saying um ......So theres like 5 people having a huge debate ..and i wasnt feeling well so i said EXCuse me .i dont mean to be RUDE lol BUT will you please find the pics so i can leave already ! THESE ARE YOUR PICS ! i said yeah looking at the number ....Well we have a problem ....(IM THINKING NO SHIT SHERLOCK its been 37 minutes ..last ya said was ill be with you in a second !
Well someones gonna get fired who developed them ! So i said the guy who works here id assume (like a smart ass ) then the pics fel l out of her hand and i saw her boobies in that one lol so i thought FUCK im gonna kill her her ! nowonder she didnt wanna pick them up !!! hahaha so i said one sec i need to go washroom brb ......then out like a bat of hell i was gone and we still cant stop laughing so payback wil be a bigger bitch ......but the sad thing is i think the boss was gonna fire that new kid for developing them .Could they call the cops on this ? LOLShe s such a blonde !she says well i didnt know it was wrong ,i see naked pics on the net all the time :rolleyes:So now they have ****xmas present LOL


Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
I have a friend who used to develop photos at Blacks and he told me about some of the pics he has seen. All the soft core and hardcore porn that gets developed. The Police are only notified when Children are involved in the sexual acts or animals or if it looks like the person is in distress.

But nude photos are okay.


Oct 19, 2005
I dont want to name the store just incase #$#%$^$ LOL but the manager freaked ! Called over like 4 others ,for what I dont know !As far as I was concerned her 35mm film had maybe some sexy lingeree on it to send him .I didnt know every pic was naked and so forth .Maybe she did look stressed I dont know LMAO .. they wouldnt give me the pics..


Oct 19, 2005
Well if its legal then why didnt they give it back ? I dont want to get arrested for xmas LOL Why did she say the guy shouldnt have developed it :confused: then mumbling about getting fired .....Fark then the pics will be taken OMG we wont go back .... LOL this sucks LARGE ..


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Alexis696969 said:
Well if its legal then why didnt they give it back ? I dont want to get arrested for xmas LOL Why did she say the guy shouldnt have developed it :confused: then mumbling about getting fired .....Fark then the pics will be taken OMG we wont go back .... LOL this sucks LARGE ..
That's because they weren't properly trained and or informed of the rules. The *(*&@)*&@ store may have a policy of not printing nudity but there is no law against it. BTW: I don't believe they have any legal right to hang on to YOUR negatives. They may choose not to print them, but they can't keep the negs unless they are of a crime being committed and even then they'd have to hand them over to the police.

I forget where I was but this reminds me of a time I saw a big commotion as I was walking by a Japan Camera outlet (this is where they had the machine set up so you could see the prints coming out through the front window). I sneaked a peak and the prints coming off were of a hottie modeling nude....So there's eveyone standing there waiting for the next pic to drop into the tray, and the next and the next lol it was funny actually.


Oct 19, 2005
Well as funny as this seems ,I only saw one pic that was toplesss .....She swears that the rest were just in sexual poses etc.. NOTHING at all like the above mentioned .....unless she was being extra bad and made a weird facial expression ....if they call that disstress LOL Maybe your rigHt we should call there and see whats up ! Cause now it wouldnt be fair for them to keep them !


New member
Feb 10, 2005
You can even walk down Yonge St. topless now, the courts say it's legal.
Why don't you organize a topless demonstration outside the photo shop, you'll be on the front page of the Examiner for free. Bring your friends! :p


Go Ahead Make My Day
Aug 2, 2004
Maybe one of the employees that was printing the pictures printed a few more off for the guys at the store. Maybe that is what the manager was freaking out about. Just a thought.

But thats probably not the case.


Oct 19, 2005
Hockey_MLnut said:
Maybe one of the employees that was printing the pictures printed a few more off for the guys at the store. Maybe that is what the manager was freaking out about. Just a thought.

But thats probably not the case.

They were NOT allowed to print nudity good news is she will get the negatives and the pics and she can go back there tomorrow and collect them :D TALK about EMbarassing ! that every employyee there knows ,,,your a little on the sexual side LOL your right ! If they tried to do any copies they are in big SHIT! IT was the woman that freaked everyone else was kewl ! Another lesson learnt !

NOT all places allow sexy pics ! even if it is Legal
Hockey_MLnut said:
I have a friend who used to develop photos at Blacks and he told me about some of the pics he has seen. All the soft core and hardcore porn that gets developed. The Police are only notified when Children are involved in the sexual acts or animals or if it looks like the person is in distress.

But nude photos are okay.
We may have same friend at the lab. Heard the revised policy is to destroy the prints.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
asn said:
as long as she is an adult i don't see why it's a big deal?

That is nuts. I was headed out the door for Blacks one day with one of those disposables. Wife asks me as I am leaving if it was the one that was in the family room. Told her yes she tells me that it might have some pics of her boobs and a freind of hers, that they were screwing around with it and took some pictures of each other with tits out.

I go into Blacks and tell the girl that takes them that there may be some pictures of my wife topless. She says no problem "You should see some of the stuff we develop"

That said, I assume that this is not a problem at Blacks, or are they franchsies and policy varies?


Sep 13, 2006
I used to work in photo development.
It is not against the law to print nude photos as longs as it is not child porn or the person looks like they are in distress.

Some stores have a policy on no nude.

Our store have the big picture window with the machine printing photos so pass byers can see the photos come out. When we print nudes, we tape a piece of paper on the window to block out the photos so not to embarass our client.

Most client who are printing nude photos gives us a heads up and wait for the photo to be process and print.

The machine does keep track of the number of photos printed.
However, there are wastage which can easily explain extra photo paper used.
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