Based on the discussions and what I see as fairly positive reviews on terb, I took BP Jenny (not PK Jenny) for a ride today. Jenny has knock-out looks with a very slim and firm and toned body. Lovely to put one's arms around that. Her breasts are full and soft and firm all at the same time, with responsive nipples that like to be sucked. Wonderful. When she rides you, OMG it is good and the explosion when it comes (pardon the pun) is awesome. And her location is in Kanata (a little south of the 417, near March Rd.), which is perfect for me.
But.... Here are the things I did not like. When I walked up to the townhouse, I had to pass a full garbage bag and pile of newspapers outside, on the doorstep. Jenny was nice, but rather blasé in attitude, using her phone to text even as we walked upstairs to the bedroom. She warmed up a little but only about the time I was leaving, some 20 or at most, 25 mins later (30 min appointment). She gets right down to it right away, with no foreplay, no chatting or joking around, just stripping all clothes and then rubbing right off. No BJ of any kind (but to be fair to Jenny, that might be because I was not able to shower and that is because the shower in her very messy bathroom was broken with no hot water). She was very particular as to how DATY was performed, telling me I was too rough (I am never rough on DATY, absolutely always gentle and I take my time as I love DATY - so maybe she is very sensitive.) She had a mechanical way of moving from one activity to the other with no fluidity. For example on DATY, she suddenly decided "OK, enough of that, on to the next thing" and up she went to go get a condom.
But the absolute killer for me was after the deed was done, she gave me a bag to toss the condom and the wipes into. That would be fine except that the bag was a grocery store checkout bag that was about 3/4 full of other peoples' condoms and wipes! I kid you not. She either sees dozens of people a day or more likely, she had not emptied the bag in a week or more. At least she gets high marks for being careful of the environment!
There are better fish in the sea so I will move on.