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Sexy Ciara - accepting Debit/Credit


New member
Nov 8, 2010

After drooling over the pics in her ads, but unsure due to her mixed reviews on here, I decided to make a small "CASH" donation, yes she does accept debit/credit which we had fun discussing. Text at first was ok for setting up appointment but once I got to the location, delays in getting updated on apartment number almost had me driving away with a mild case of blue balls! However, we did hook up, smaller, low rise apartment, quiet part of town with not a lot of attention +1. However, upon entering the apartment, I couldn't help but be surprised by another girl being present. At first I thought, whoa, maybe this is my lucky day, but the mood quickly turned as it appeared the other girl, who was on her laptop, was quite pissed at the fact that she'd have to go and hang out in the bathroom of the rather small basement floor apartment with no access to the internet in there. I was told that she also works the SP scene as well, and outside of the attitude, I'm sure I would have enjoyed her company as well since she was presented in a nice pair of panties and tank top.

Moving on, the apartment, left much to be desired but the SP, even though she seemed to be spatting with her room mate, attempted to be welcoming and cheerful. She is fairly young, early 20s, with a decent body. SP had a lot of clothes on, which weren't overly revealing and difficult to remove so I had very limited visibility of her nakedness. I figure due to my service request, I shouldn't complain. However, I can say that her pics from my point are accurate.

So, it's down to business. I have to admit, with the mood being shot, I was a little turned off so let's just say that the engines weren't flowing 100%. SP was working hard, with good stamina to get things into high gear but than suddenly comes a loud knock on the door, which due to the small room, is right next to the bed that we're on. Well, the SP jumps up quickly, and lunges at the door to ensure it is lock and proceeds to tell the visitor to come back in a few minutes. By this time, I'm practically on my way through the nearest window to make a getaway with my pants around my knees! SP apologizes and tells me it was an expected delivery she's been waiting for??? Mood now shot even further, SP advises that she's willing to try to finish me, which of course I oblige, but am a nervous wreck! I concentrate hard on the task at hand, and have to admit, SP was thorough and maintained stamina with a good view for me to eventually finish by way of HJ. She cleaned me up and than I quickly bolted, but not before her asking me to give her a good review. Overall, I have to say that maybe I just had bad timing, or caught SP on a bad day, and I realize that my order was a basic bng but I can't see me enjoying anything more. I will also say that maybe due to her being younger, time is needed for development and improvement of the surroundings, but from pure bbbj, perspective, it was ok.

Face 6/10
Body 7/10
Service 7/10 (Decent BBBJ, good visual, good stamina)
Personality 6/10 (Could have been better if it weren't for the room mate)
Mood/Atmosphere/Location 3/10 - I don't think I've felt as nervous as I did here
Repeat - No
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