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Sex Workers Are Targets As Long As Liberals Delay Decriminalization


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The ongoing prohibition against sex work in this country compromises the overall safety, security, autonomy and dignity of sex workers.

Last month, Liberals from across the country gathered in Halifax for the party's biannual national convention. It was a time to network, to debate contentious issues and, most importantly, to set the tone for the party platform moving forward.

While a number of items were slated on the agenda, one of the thorniest involves how the government plans to tackle the issue of consensual adult sex work.

A political hot potato, the Liberals took a hard stance against our former federal government's ill-conceived "solution" to sex work. The Conservatives stood firmly in opposition to Bill C-36, otherwise known as the Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act.

During the 2015 election campaign, the Liberals also made pledges to support the decriminalization of sex work.

However, upon assuming government, that pledge appeared to take a back seat to more pressing issues, like the legalization of marijuana and the radical overhaul of our criminal justice system.

But we should not lose focus on this important topic, and in the wake of the national convention, it should remain on the forefront of our government's political agenda.

After all, the ongoing criminalization of sex work in this country is causing real harm to real people.

This is particularly so due to the recent passage of two controversial bills south of the border in the U.S.: Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act and Fight Sex Trafficking Online Act, or SESTA/FOSTA.

While these bills were designed to stop human trafficking, it seems that they are doing more to displace advertisements related to consensual sex work than anything else.



Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
Well I hate to break it to you, but Trudeau has no intention of following through on that. If it was a real priority he would have done so by now, instead of saying we'll have a look at it in 2019... by then the Cons will have kicked him out of office. The only thing that will get the ball rolling is another constitutional challenge - good luck with that.
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