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Sex Work and Self-Care Workshop - April 23, 2013 at Good For Her

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to let you know about an upcoming workshop for sex workers happening at Good For Her, description below. Register in advance at www.goodforher.com.


Both male and female sex industry workers (new or seasoned pro's) can benefit from learning how to do sex work in a conscious, healthy, and empowered way. Taking the perspective that sex work is legitimate work, this workshop will explore how to minimize the risks to self while providing personal services to our clients, and how to keep the balance between work and our emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual needs and boundaries.

We will also explore different attitudes, approaches, and perspectives that one can hold as a sex industry worker to see how they contribute to or detract from our health and happiness, and how to support ourselves even when there is a lack of support from others.

Sex workers of all genders welcome.

Taught by: Shahrazad

Cost: $33.00

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