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Sex robots


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Sexbots could ‘over-exert’ their human lovers, academic warns
19 Dec 2016 at 13:41, Joe Fay
The possibility of sex robots over-exerting their human lovers to the point of collapse is just one of the ethical conundrums academics and society need to get their head round, a Swiss academic told a conference on sex robots today.
Oliver Bendel, of the University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland, told the Love and Sex and Robots Conference at Goldsmith’s University, that the full range of machine ethics questions can - and should - be applied to sex robots.
Machine ethics sees machines - whether self-driving cars, chatbots, military drones, and presumably, your basic pleasure model - as potential moral agents in their own right, he said.
This raised the question of whether sex robots should have moral skills, in addition to their other more tangible skills, and “if so, which ones?” If they did, he continued, should these be simple “duty ethics” or should they also be mindful of the consequences of their decisions. Could robots enter into contracts?
Certain questions were particularly pertinent, he continued.
These included whether sex robots should be able to “entice” users. This is not just a question or applying some hair gel and a happy-go-lucky expression. Just imagine all the wiles of Google, or mobile games makers, applied to enticing you to keep pressing that button...or whatever.
Another key issue, he said, was whether robots should have the capability of “refusal” in “extreme” circumstance. Similarly, he continued, should robots be compelled to reveal they are, indeed, robots.
Other, arguably less elevated questions, included whether the sex robot should be "available" to a human at all times - something unlikely with most human lovers. At the same time, he asked, how should issues of shame on the part of the human partner be considered - and indeed where would the use of sex robots be considered unacceptable.
The proliferation of sex-robots - presumably able to incorporate data and feedback to constantly up their game - could have a physical effect on their human lovers, and beyond, he warned.
Human sexuality has certain “physical limits” he said, particularly in the male of the species. Robots, on the other hand, were potentially tireless. This could have a knock-on effect for a robot's human partner, and indeed the partner’s partner. “If the machine over-exerts the human, it reduces the possibility of human sex,” Bendel warned.
Beyond that, Bendel said, what about the effect on those who are supplanted by dedicated machines, or those who are unable to afford such gadgets.
Ethicists and developers could go some way to answering these questions, he said, though ultimately the whole of society had to make a call. AI and robotics are both advancing at a rapid clip, the conference was told, and a number of speakers suggested it should not be left to the traditional porn industry to make these decisions for us.
Even the most dedicated researcher will need a break from grappling with them from time to time. Indeed, Bendel revealed that his most recent project was a ladybird-friendly vacuum cleaner. The device will clean your floors, but if it detects ladybirds and other little critters, it will stop and shoo them away to safety. However, he added, the team had included a kill button for arachnophobes. ®


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
why is this an ethical conundrum since we have no issues with other sex toys that have been in existence for decades? perhaps its the possibility that this could be a replacement for men who want sex from women and rather not spend the money? a safer alternative to service providers? an alternate source of pleasure or companionship?

ethics lol... do we ask consent when we use power tools, kitchen appliances, or battery operated sex toys? why is it that ethics are involved when men are given another outlet to fulfill sexual desire?

its a machine, it lacks consciousness and its not even human/animal. we do not have ethics when it comes to slaughtering animals for food(minus peta etc..).

its hysterical.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
They must be getting closer - this is the third thread on the issue in the last month or two.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
why is this an ethical conundrum since we have no issues with other sex toys that have been in existence for decades?
It becomes an ethical conundrum when AI is involved. All that human beings are -- consciousness, higher level thinking, emotion, morals -- is a result of our biological machinery. Machinery that can be simulated mechanically.

If the only difference between a human and a machine is the fact that one was born and one was made, is it ethical to compel a robot to perform such acts? Although, with that said, you could make a sex robot that lacks such intelligence and therefore avoid the conundrum.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
It becomes an ethical conundrum when AI is involved. All that human beings are -- consciousness, higher level thinking, emotion, morals -- is a result of our biological machinery. Machinery that can be simulated mechanically.

If the only difference between a human and a machine is the fact that one was born and one was made, is it ethical to compel a robot to perform such acts? Although, with that said, you could make a sex robot that lacks such intelligence and therefore avoid the conundrum.
AI..... while its a far far future away, it is still a machine/robot.

I do understand the moral conundrum but I find it rather perplexing how morals are so subjective, especially when it comes to various countries and cultures. where other countries and cultures morals are polar opposites(of sorts) to western countries cultures. so who's morals are correct?

its a possibility that our biological machinery could be replicated; however, are we willing to assign human rights to something that is not human?


Aug 13, 2007
Check out this Scarlett Johansson robot:

There is currently no law against it because he is not using it for commercial gain. He can fuck her all he wants, and there is nothing she can do about it, no matter how violated she feels. What are your thoughts on this?



Active member
Nov 14, 2009
Once robots get sufficiently life-like many men may prefer them to the real thing. Never have to buy one dinner. Never aging, with a libido responsive to a switch, so always ready, eye pleasing to an attractiveness level that nature seldom matches, how could a humanly flawed, living woman compete... or even want to?
We may like to believe that, as living creatures, men would always prefer nature to manufactured goods... but tell that to the women lining up for boob jobs.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
Check out this Scarlett Johansson robot:

There is currently no law against it because he is not using it for commercial gain. He can fuck her all he wants, and there is nothing she can do about it, no matter how violated she feels. What are your thoughts on this?

can you clarify something? so the image of scarlettes on a sex bot for commercial gains is against the law, but fucking a doll for non commercial use with scarlettes face on it is not?

so essentially a doll that is manufactured commercially as a sex doll cant look like anyone or the manufacturer will be sued?

p.s. I wouldnt fuck that doll ;)


Apr 1, 2016
It really depends on how reliable the bots are. Maintenance on these may run into the thousands per repair during early adoption. Many tiny, precise motors will be required to simulate human movement. Unless you need sex every 5 min I'm betting the hobby will still be the best bang for your buck.

When and if androids are perfected in my lifetime I'm just going to commission a small boy robot that helps me carry bags/equipment on trips, maybe even drive me places. A female bot is just going to make me look like a perv.


Aug 25, 2001
I'm just going to commission a small boy robot that helps me carry bags/equipment on trips, maybe even drive me places. A female bot is just going to make me look like a perv.
And you don't think a small boy bot won't make you look like that other word that also starts with a 'p'?


Apr 1, 2016
And you don't think a small boy bot won't make you look like that other word that also starts with a 'p'?
Okay say it has the same hair color and eye color as me it will only make me look like a dad or a grandad...but yea i get your point


Aug 13, 2007
can you clarify something? so the image of scarlettes on a sex bot for commercial gains is against the law, but fucking a doll for non commercial use with scarlettes face on it is not?

so essentially a doll that is manufactured commercially as a sex doll cant look like anyone or the manufacturer will be sued?

p.s. I wouldnt fuck that doll ;)
Well if that inventor mass produced these Scar Jo robots, then she can sue him to get some or all of the profits or force him to stop making business off of her face. But if he is not selling anything, then no law is being broken. No current law that is. One day, I think they will make a new law, depending on which country, that prohibits such accurate reproduction without the person's consent. But that law will be in a grey area. Remove that mole on her face, and can one argue that it is not Scar Jo anymore? Then buy the robot and then put the mole on her face yourself. What if the cloned subject is dead, will the family be able to sue? The latter half of this century will be an interesting one.

Actually, this fuzziness already exists with child pornography laws, and it is a real mess in courts when they try to battle it out. Photoshop a little girl's head on top of a naked body, and for that you will be jailed. Photoshop a girl's face who is 18 on a naked body, and then photoshop the face further to make her look 16--perfectly legal, because she is biologically 18. But what if the girl is actually 17 years and 364 days old? Then you will get jailed. What if the girl is 18 right now, but she could have been 17 in the photo? Then that would be illegal. But how to prove her age in the photo? Good luck searching through all photos of her to get a match and then determining the date the photo was taken.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
it is an interesting question.

by law a dog is property and while there are certain laws are exceptions to this.

i mean i cant fuck my dog as bestiality is illegal in some places.

AI is far from being perfected so i think we are a long ways from robot rights.


Feb 16, 2012
An appliance will do what you want it to do for whatever length of time you input. Basically think of a vibrator or a flesh lite, or just a microwave oven cooking your frozen lasagna. All the same.

The difference with a robot/android sex toy is that they may have programming to coerce you to engage in more activities than you would independently seek. I'd actually love a coercive android, although I can see the downside if I end up being constantly late for work.


Feb 16, 2012
The possibility of sex robots over-exerting their human lovers to the point of collapse is just one of the ethical conundrums academics and society need to get their head round, a Swiss academic told a conference on sex robots today.
Here is the thing: A real life woman might demand more sex from me than I can naturally provide. She could use all available means to coerce me to fuck her more than I am capable of, and I could become obsessed and exhausted to the point where my self-esteem was destroyed and I lost all confidence in myself. Would she be liable for damages?

Meanwhile, with a robot, I could just dial her down a notch.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
AI..... while its a far far future away, it is still a machine/robot.
Depends on your philosophy. I look at humans as being biological machines. As are cockroaches. I place a higher value on human lives than on cockroaches, and it has nothing to do with us being "living" things in the conventional sense. Humans are capable of higher mental functions, as I I mentioned in my first post (emotion, morals, etc.). If a robot was capable of the same, I'd place the same value on them. Whereas robot software is comprised of a series of 0s and 1s (ons and offs), so too are humans, though our systems are less eloquent and more complex, a result of evolution. Our "software" is a network of biological organs communicating via electrical and chemical signals.

It's worth noting that I don't believe in the soul, and any who do will probably not understand my line of thinking.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
yeah and the first thing i thought of was what if pedophiles made little children sex robots and just had their way with them? society would probably flip its shit, but no one's getting hurt, are they? in fact i think the research that exists says that pedophiles who take our their gratifications through pornography are less likely to offend in actual life, so the logic would also apply for child sex robots.
It's about the children. If a pedo (paedophile) uses child pornography instead of stalking children that is a plus but child pornography is documented child abuse and it's very market represents a danger to children. It must not be tolerated. As far as some perv (pedo, rapist, sadist, etc) - if they want to practice their perversion on inanimate objects, I personally do not see a logical reason why it should be illegal.


Oct 1, 2011
It's about the children. If a pedo (paedophile) uses child pornography instead of stalking children that is a plus but child pornography is documented child abuse and it's very market represents a danger to children. It must not be tolerated. As far as some perv (pedo, rapist, sadist, etc) - if they want to practice their perversion on inanimate objects, I personally do not see a logical reason why it should be illegal.
Perhaps you never read about this ongoing trial:

Since 2013, when he was arrested for importing a child sex doll, the trials are still going in Newfoundland. So, if you build your own child sex doll/robot, and the police discovers it somehow (e.g. a friend sees it and tips them off), then you will get in just as much legal trouble, likely ending up in jail just as this guy is going to be.
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