It was interesting reading the news on a slow news day...
An Ottawa MP has tabled a bill to either rewrite or remove prostitution laws in Canada, in particular, ones regarding bawdy house. This would tackle the problems of street prostitution, eliminate pimps, and improve health standards (?) for those involved in the trade. Under this plan, municipalities would have the ability to approve brothel licences and locations and creae red light districts. (Toronto Sun & Toronto Star)
Apparently this has a lot of push behind this, guess the MPs need thier hobbying too, but I really don't think Hamilton, giving thier current attitude about the sex industry would allow a brothel into the city much less licence one.
India bans nude worship. Apparently every year tens of thousands of women gather at a Hindu temple in India to worship in the nude. For years the Indian gov't has been trying to get them to stop (?!!) from disrobing bathe in the river and roll around in the temple of an Hindu Goddess. Many of the devotees are performing an intitiation rite to enter prostitution, while others are fulfilling vows made to thier Goddess. (Toronto Sun)
Hmmm...nice religion...wish they had a temple here.
An Ottawa MP has tabled a bill to either rewrite or remove prostitution laws in Canada, in particular, ones regarding bawdy house. This would tackle the problems of street prostitution, eliminate pimps, and improve health standards (?) for those involved in the trade. Under this plan, municipalities would have the ability to approve brothel licences and locations and creae red light districts. (Toronto Sun & Toronto Star)
Apparently this has a lot of push behind this, guess the MPs need thier hobbying too, but I really don't think Hamilton, giving thier current attitude about the sex industry would allow a brothel into the city much less licence one.
India bans nude worship. Apparently every year tens of thousands of women gather at a Hindu temple in India to worship in the nude. For years the Indian gov't has been trying to get them to stop (?!!) from disrobing bathe in the river and roll around in the temple of an Hindu Goddess. Many of the devotees are performing an intitiation rite to enter prostitution, while others are fulfilling vows made to thier Goddess. (Toronto Sun)
Hmmm...nice religion...wish they had a temple here.