Sex can range from 33 seconds to 44 minutes - but the average is 5 minutes


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Jul 17, 2007
Sometimes a particularly steamy lovemaking session can seem to last forever.

At other times, intercourse can be over in a flash.

After such an encounter, many of us wonder 'how long does sex normally last'?

Now, Dr Brendan Zietsch, a psychologist from the University of Queensland, has sought to answer this pressing question.

In an article for The Conversation, he examined all the latest research - and found penetration can last from 33 seconds to 44 minutes when an average is taken of all the times each couple has sex.

The average time across different couples was 5.4 minutes.

Here, Dr Zietsch explains his findings, including whether wearing a condom or if the man is circumcised makes any difference...
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