Serious Question Pls.


New member
Jan 18, 2002
Can a woman become impregnated while mensurating? A day or two after her cycle has begun? I know you're not MDs but some women here are quite knowledgeable. Thanks.

It can happen. In fact it happened to a friend of mine. Understand that sperm can live up to 7 days, sooo, if you had sex at the end of her menstration cycle, your boys could still be swimming for a while. Sperm will generally fertilize the egg while it's travelling down the fallopian tube, so if she has an early ovulation cycle.....bang.
The risks of all those factors coming together though are VERY slim. Keep in mind that there are generally only 2 days per month that a woman can get pregnant..... So you're probably pretty safe. I hope that helps..


P.S. A woman will *usually* ovulate 11-13 days after the start of menstration....
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