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Sending zip files


New member
Feb 14, 2004
Okay, the cd drive on my laptop is broken. There are a bunch of pictures on a CD that I want to get onto my computer, so I am using another laptop to send them. However, there's a lot, so what I did was created a file on the other computer and compressed them, figuring I'd email it to myself and save it. But when I try to send the compressed file, I keep being told "the document contains no data." What am I doing wrong? How do I send zip files? (ps I'm using a web-based email, gmail to be exact, which I know doesn't like zip files but I've had no trouble receiving them before.)

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


New member
Feb 14, 2004
Thanks Farrah. But actually, I can't use outlook express because it's someone else's computer. Anyone know how to do this using web based email?
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