Senate appointments called 'old politics'


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
OTTAWA–Ontario MPP Bob Runciman was named to the Senate as Prime Minister Stephen Harper reignited controversy over the role of the upper chamber by appointing five new senators.

Runciman was joined by another Ontarian, Vim Kochhar, an India-born business executive who is the founder of the Vimal Group of Companies in Toronto and an advocate for disabled people.

The other Senate appointments were Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu from Quebec, Elizabeth Marshall from Newfoundland and Labrador and Rose-May Poirier from New Brunswick.

The appointments tip the balance of power in the Senate, giving the Conservatives a plurality in the chamber.

Opposition MPs accused Harper, an avowed supporter of an elected Senate, of blatant hypocrisy for continuing the tradition of using the Senate to hand out partisan patronage awards.

"He's now broken his promise about Senate reform," said Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff, referring to Harper's pledge to allow voters – not the prime minister – to choose senators.

"It's hypocritical to say, `I'm never going to do what the Liberals did' and then appoint a whole bunch of people – all of them, basically, Conservative loyalists. He keeps promising Senate reform but he never delivers."

NDP Leader Jack Layton said Harper "was elected saying he wouldn't appoint unelected people." But "he's abandoned that, he's gone down to the old politics," Layton remarked.

In a statement, Harper defended the appointments, saying the new senators have pledged to help him press ahead with changes to the Senate, including limiting senators' terms to eight years. Senators are currently appointed to serve until 75 years of age.

Runciman, an outspoken legislator whose tough-on-crime rhetoric contributed to his "Mad Dog" nickname at Queen's Park, served in various cabinet portfolios in the governments of Mike Harris and Ernie Eves from 1995 to 2003.

Among other controversies, Runciman stoked anger in the black community in 2003 by saying some black people have a "vested interest" in continued tension between the police and minorities. He incensed women by calling former cabinet minister Belinda Stronach a "dipstick." He said gays are "essentially anti-family" and promote "socially irresponsible" behaviour.

He is also a longtime backer of Harper and an avid supporter of an elected – not appointed – Senate. On Friday, he told CTV he would run for election to the Senate if such elections were held.

The role of the chamber of "sober second thought," as the Senate is often called, is to vet legislation passed by the Commons. In recent months, the Liberal-dominated Senate has sought to amend several anti-crime bills considered too sweeping by some senators. This has prompted accusations of obstructionism from Harper.

When Harper temporarily suspended Parliament, his aides said it was done to provide time to change the Senate's balance of power. Runciman echoed Harper's contention that Liberal senators have taken their responsibilities to review Conservative legislation too far.

"For too long, the Ignatieff Liberals have abused their majority in the Senate by obstructing law-and-order bills that are urgently needed and strongly supported by Canadians," Runciman said Friday. "Today, this abuse comes to an end."

Ignatieff disputed this view, saying Harper doesn't like the Senate because it gets "in his way."

"The Senate does useful work," Ignatieff said. "Us MPs aren't perfect, we make mistakes. That's why you have a second chamber."

With files from The Canadian Press


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Opposition MPs accused Harper, an avowed supporter of an elected Senate, of blatant hypocrisy for continuing the tradition of using the Senate to hand out partisan patronage awards.
Gee why does "it takes one to know one" spring to mind.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts