Screening - are you okay with providing real info to providers?


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
This is a tough one. On the one hand, I completely understand the need for security if you're a provider. Not only does help ward off the abusive types, but it probably reduces the number of time wasters and scammers. On the other hand, once you send some kind of electronic proof like a driver's license photo, it's out of your control what happens next. I do think most providers wouldn't deliberately use your information, but there's so many ways that it could be lost or stolen. Misplaced phones, angry exes, even hacking - a database of johns complete with photo ID and addresses would be a treasure trove for blackmail, given how much money is sloshing around this town and how many clients are working in government offices.

So no, while I respect the reasoning behind it I would never send anyone compromising information. It's just not worth the risk of your life being burnt to the ground.


The Big "O"
Dec 25, 2017
Sharing real information:
All it takes is for one bad experience to send it all crashing down. IMO, anonymity should be a two way street, as in I don't need to know who you really are and you don't need to know who I really am.
I enjoy the industry but value my work, family and friends much more.

I have chosen my path and respect Providers have every right to choose theirs.
Just like real life some paths, like meeting people, aren't meant to cross.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
When the provider hands me their photo ID then I'll provide mine. Providers use TextApps, aliases but all of a sudden we have to disclose our private information? No thank you, I'll pass because we have no shortage of wonderful ladies available to us.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
OP - thank you being so respectful in your approach to this.

If I may, is it the photo ID issue you have. I ask because there are so many different types of screening.

I don't ask for ID. I do ask for no text apps, and SPs references and board handle. I offer other ways like work or LinkedIn account but those are not my most favourite way of screening. Those are left to the Client should be want to use those.

So what is an acceptable amount of screening? Is there a happy medium? I would love to here your thoughts.

When the provider hands me their photo ID then I'll provide mine. Providers use TextApps, aliases but all of a sudden we have to disclose our private information? No thank you, I'll pass because we have no shortage of wonderful ladies available to us.
Why do you always do that when commenting on this stuff? Everyone so far was respectful with their opinions.

Do you really need to use the " when they show me their ID?"

You and I have done this dance before. I don't say that men who won't screen are rapist trying to hide so they can hurt us. That would be rude.

Why can't you just say it is not for you? Because in reality you are wrong. Not every provider uses text apps. Plenty of providers give a real name after time and I bring clients directly to my house so there is not a lot of hiding myself and ID going on.

I just don't get why you choose to make your posts so negatively against those of who screen. I get and accept and agree with your reasons for why you don't. Why can you not give the same respect to me and other who screen.

It is like we all have to pay for what one escort did to you. How is that fair? You certainly wouldn't like it if we did it in return. Just some food for thought maybe.

Speak your mind and share your opinion but can you try to have some respect and tact while doing it? Instead of this "fuck them, fucking princesses" attitude you have going on.

I have even asked what is the comprise but you have no answer. It seems to you there is no comprise. Every escort should just take your word that you are clean safe guy cause your name is "John". That seems to be your opinion. Please correct me if I am wrong.

I will try again - what is a positive way that ladies and men can feel safe from physical harm and blackmailing damage while still being able to have a fun romp?

Because this attitude of my way or the highway on both sides of the coin is not helpful to this industry and actually keeps dividing us.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Jessica - I have no issue with asking for references and/or board handles. Text apps is another grey area, again I see the provider perspective here but really don't want to share my real number. I did in the past and discovered some people don't see an issue with texting back hours or days later, which can be problematic. If push came to shove there's always burner phones, I've never had one but it doesn't seem too difficult or expensive to setup.

I guess the happy medium is I establish I'm not a threat or a scammer without revealing confidential information about my life. It's a tricky balance for sure.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
Jessica - I have no issue with asking for references and/or board handles. Text apps is another grey area, again I see the provider perspective here but really don't want to share my real number. I did in the past and discovered some people don't see an issue with texting back hours or days later, which can be problematic. If push came to shove there's always burner phones, I've never had one but it doesn't seem too difficult or expensive to setup.

I guess the happy medium is I establish I'm not a threat or a scammer without revealing confidential information about my life. It's a tricky balance for sure.
You know that is a good way of looking at it.

I have taken clients with a text app. Can't lie and say I have not. Funny enough 2 of my 3 reviews are by men who I don't know their real phone numbers, last name, work info or anything. One I booked off of Twitter!!!!

The difference for me was they were established on the board with reviews where the ladies they saw, either friended them or replied directly to the review with big thank yous. That for me was enough.

That is a big point. If you can make me feel safe, comfortable and respected - I am much more open to working with you. But I think men need to understand that we have a baseline we need to set at the very least. And we advertise in many places so board handle is not always an option. We have men contacting from a variety of difference sources. Sometimes from ad venues that we did not even out an ad on.

I am similar I think in that I try to respect the men who contact me. If it came to a point where we see we can't make a match, then I am always refering to another escort who is similar to me but least restrictive on their screening. My hope is that if I can't see you, maybe I can still help you have some fun. I think it shows that we can respect each other for the different needs or opinions of the other while still ensuring that both parties leave the communication happy. He normally does because he has another lead to follow without having to search through tons of ads, I am happy that I was helpful and both can respectfully part ways without him feeling rejected by a princess with high screening and I am not left feeling he was some time wasting asshole or worse, that I just dodged a bullet from a dangerous person.

Thank you for your response. It is a tricky balance for sure.


Jul 6, 2015
no. companies with hundreds of employees have issues keeping data safe. I'm not going to trust an SP with personal information no matter how trustworthy the SP might be. It means I lose out in terms of choices and that's fine.

I like how some SPs become MAs for a while and go to Massage parlors and are able to screen that way.


Mar 18, 2013
So being a married man (oops the cats out of the bag) I find it difficult to operate a burner phone. I can keep her away from my phone as long as I dont pull a Tiger Woods and leave my phone unlocked. That's why the text app has been a godsend.

Ther SPs can put what ever screening in place they want. There are plenty of them who dont ask for too much.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Sorry but this is an extremely bad advice. If you have nothing to lose, single, with SO but ok with you hobby, not worry about your job, family, friends or bill c36 etc....guess what all the power to you.
Not an advice since I was only answering the OPs question.

To be honest I've only given it one time to the lovely Kate Kompton more than a year ago. Wonderful provider by the way.
The rest are all just twitter/terb handle and SP/MA references. That's why i'm always a proponent of having an 'in good standing' terb/twitter account.
And I don't think I'll ever need to give ID again now that I have many good references from well-known providers in both the SP and MA community.


This is just a hobby
May 1, 2002
I've said this before. You have a significant other and want anonymity? Get a pay as you go (aka burner) phone. Cosys about $120 for the year. Provider wants to verify she can call you or text you. It's legitimate number and not an 'app'. If someone asks you for id? Unless it's a upper echelon lady charging big $$ (which is not unreasonable for some of debutantes who offer a differentlevel of service which warrants a need to screen prospective clients ), otherwise no one should be asking you for id before you show up. Hard enough for us hobbyists to b guaranteed that the lady will be the one shown in the advertising when we show up ! ;)


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
I must not be playing in the same park...

1- I have a texting app and I've NEVER been challenged. I wouldn't pay for a burner phone, hobbying is expensive enough as it is! Beside, wtf am i going to tell people for having 2 phones if they see it?!?! Instead I have a ALL FREE second secret user account on my phone which is 100% independent from the "real me" phone account and it works like a charm with ZERO flaws :)

2- I have never shown any ID or personal info and never will I, same goes for etransfer deposits. If you like risks, enjoy them. Personally, I aim to reduce them.

3- I've never been asked for a reference, yet I could provide over 30! I've never been asked for a Terb handle either. tbh Terb never comes up during any encounter and that's how I want to keep it. I think the active members on Terb have this illusion that every Hobbyists in Ottawa are involved with Terb and that we somehow have enough power here to influence the industry...

Which park are you playing in?? How many Providers ask for these kinds of thing? Like 10 in Ottawa? I guess I never texted them to inquire about their services.
You should be more aware there are quite a number of parks even in a mid size city such as Ottawa.
Wait... why are we talking about parks again? :p

In truth everyone can do things their way. Is one better than the other? Depends on perspective.
Bobbiz seem to be someone that likes to criticize other people's choices.
I've only ever talk about my personal experiences and what I have had done. I understand the consequences. I am fully aware of what I am getting into beforehand.

While bobbiz, being his condescending self has been throwing shade at me recently since talking about terb/twitter handles issue in the following thread.

"That doesn't work! How many providers in Ottawa does that? I will never do that! Blah blah blah."
So much negativity from this guy.

With that said, he's a great contributor to the Ottawa terb community. But then again, as he has said so himself, not every "hobbyists in Ottawa are involved with terb".
Not sure what his problem is but he seems a bit on the selfish side and does not care about the other side of the equation.
I may be wrong but his constant shade about terb/twitter handles is giving me the idea that his mentality is "my verification process is most important, provider's verification process I don't give a f***"

He made posts on how to distinguish fake ads/fake pics or whatever and it's helpful to the community. I never said anything negative about it.
It is helpful that there are ways for us to "verify" providers.
But when I say something we, as hobbyist, could do to help providers in "verifying" legit clients from fake bookers, simply with a terb/twitter handle.
No personal ID or real phone number, he goes off and start hating on it.

He really has a one way street mentality on this subject.
Not sure about his opinions on other things.

His constant shade is getting annoying.
I did what I did for MYSELF. Provider gave her criteria for a meet, I accepted the criteria for MYSELF.
I have no problem in providing "MY" ID for screening with certain providers. But "HE" has a problem because "I" had no problem with "MY" ID. WTF?
It's "MY" ID, NOT yours bro.

I am a proponent of terb/twitter handles as ID, but I never said it is a must.
I believe that it helps both providers and us.
-Providers because it gives them an idea of our presence in the community and also an idea of who we have met and our experiences.
-For us because we can use it as ID instead of our dreaded real ID. It is our alias.

If the providers he sees does not require it, then obviously no problem right? I never said there is a problem with that.
But if a certain provider requires a sort of ID, then I believe, terb/twitter handle is helpful in that situation.
It is not a must, I never said it is a must. It feels bobbiz has misunderstood that I have said it is a must. That is incorrect. All I said is that it is helpful and mutually (provider and hobbyist) beneficial.

Heck, if provider has a decent twitter (now probably switter as many seem to be switching over) presence we may feel the provider is more legit and less fake which is what bobbiz has always wanted. I understand that not everyone has terb/twitter but in case you have it, will it not ease the process of verification on both the provider and hobbyist side?

You don't have to have it, but it helps. That's it. And I have no problem in providing it when ask. I have zero problem with bobbiz if he does not provide it. That's on him.

ugh.. felt like I had to explain all the details to bobbiz for him to understand. I hope he does now.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2018
Bobbiz is right that Terb/Lyla handles are pretty meaningless in the broader sex worker industry in Ottawa, but that's assuming you spend your time scanning ads on Backpage and its successor sites. Some of us only visit established providers with some kind of web presence (Twitter account, etc), and in that world a handle from one of these forums is useful.
Apr 27, 2018
Hey yall, Ima major lurker here. Can't thank enough for all the contributes people make and I only see Backpage providers with good reviews but I can't believe some of you guys are actually trying to encourage screening and terb identity crap. I was never asked to show my driver's license nor terb account. Stop this nonsense asuran. There's only like what 10 - 15 active members who contribute to this site and your biggest contributer in Ottawa, Blackpanther is a Torontarian! Just drop this ID & terb handle already no providers bother to ask this lol


Apr 24, 2018
Lol man I don't care what you do! I gave my perspective on this as I see it and as I operate. Damn how many times did you wrote my handle? Lol no more fixation please.
Asuran's not worth your time and is using double speak. That was a pretty offensive post about Bobbiz and the amount of labour he's done for everyone here. Asuran should be ashamed of himself this morning I hope, seems to be a lot of people commenting late at night wasted, maybe? Lol.. His comments are just his own personal experience and not advice...ok then. He's trolling.

Anyhow, what I think the ACTUAL debate at play here is:

"Is it ok for the SP's you've seen, to share information about you the hobbyist, should ANY other SP request it?". And this freaks people out and people get emotional... My guess.

Think about this scenario:

If say crazy Alm* (banned here for crazy talk) requested confirmation from an SP you've seen previously (which maybe she gleaned from your previous reviews here, which makes it worse for seeking public reviews) for any reason at all (maybe from a terb / cerb / twitter argument where she was defending gtmoney, as example)... She has access to that information for nefarious purposes from other SP's. Maybe along the road your description + car model + license plate gets added. All of a sudden, you are being exposed in real life from a terb message board comment. If you think this is far fetched, I believe theguitarman had human rights charges threatened on him on here (ridiculous, but still threatened) and was defended by a few of the crazies.

It's just such a slippery slope to TRUST in the industry under the current legislation. Enjoy yourself immensely in the hobby, just always keep your guard up. Asuran left a script above that could be sourced to his real life, I find that insane... "I only gave my real information to this one exact person... "... Ah ooops? (And I think you should delete that Asuran, I don't wish you any trouble, but you are far from an expert count doesn't equate to expertise).

Don't trust partially or completely based on a potential false pretense of security; they don't trust you with that information either (especially if they've never met you), and if they do, that's their risk. Slippery slope, genie in a bottle can't be put back in... Don't do it.

We can all be manipulated, and some of the SP's have wayyyyy more experience in male manipulation than a police expert would! Think about how long they've been working on their craft? It's not evil, it's a resourceful skill. How they use that skill can be effective, or explosive based on a lot of things. Keep your hands up, don't drop your guard :boxing:

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014

I am totally confused about your post and "scenario". I am going to assume you are bring cryptic or talking about "Ottawa" stuff this outsider would not understand. I don't know how got description, car, plate, etc in your assumptions of SP reference exchanges

But for some clarity, an SP reference works as such:

Client requests an appointment with SP1, and uses reference of SP2. Normally, SP2 is contacted beforehand by said client. SP1 contacts SP2, usually by text or email. This is what I personally write:

"Hi, my name is Jessica Rain. I am a provider in Durham Region. I have an appointment request by a client of yours and was wondering if I can confirm him as a good client with you"

I never speak any client info until I have been given the ok from SP2 that they will even speak to me. Then it is

"His name is XXXX and he booked via Phone # XXX-XXXX {or email depending on what info he asks me to use with her}. Just want to know if he is safe, reliable and not a time waster or anything? "

SP2 usually replies that he is a great client and that is it. When I am asked for a reference, I will never give info. Only confirm info that she has that has been given to her by him.

Only one time did I go into further detail with an SP and that was because of a medical issue with the client that I wanted to be sure I could accommodate for him. He made mention of it and I wanted to ask her some questions that I could have asked him, but I didn't want it to be awkward. So I asked her instead.

Now I am only speaking for me. But these are my clients, good guys that I really like and respect. I am not here to hurt them.

But this is how reference has worked for me. Hopefully, that helps a bit.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
Lol man I don't care what you do! I gave my perspective on this as I see it and as I operate. Damn how many times did you wrote my handle? Lol no more fixation please.
Lol, not care, yet you comment about it. Not counting the PMs about it.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
LMAO dude seriously? PMs were on the last thread a couple weeks ago. I DON'T care about you and your opinion!!!! Drop your trolling!!!!
It was last week. Stop exaggerating.
I barely commented about your stuff anyways. You kept taking shots at me on this subject, I just had to return some.

Good day to you. You know what they say, don't feed the troll and you'll be ok. ;)


Apr 24, 2018

I am totally confused about your post and "scenario". I am going to assume you are bring cryptic or talking about "Ottawa" stuff this outsider would not understand. I don't know how got description, car, plate, etc in your assumptions of SP reference exchanges

But for some clarity, an SP reference works as such:

Client requests an appointment with SP1, and uses reference of SP2. Normally, SP2 is contacted beforehand by said client. SP1 contacts SP2, usually by text or email. This is what I personally write:

"Hi, my name is Jessica Rain. I am a provider in Durham Region. I have an appointment request by a client of yours and was wondering if I can confirm him as a good client with you"

I never speak any client info until I have been given the ok from SP2 that they will even speak to me. Then it is

"His name is XXXX and he booked via Phone # XXX-XXXX {or email depending on what info he asks me to use with her}. Just want to know if he is safe, reliable and not a time waster or anything? "

SP2 usually replies that he is a great client and that is it. When I am asked for a reference, I will never give info. Only confirm info that she has that has been given to her by him.

Only one time did I go into further detail with an SP and that was because of a medical issue with the client that I wanted to be sure I could accommodate for him. He made mention of it and I wanted to ask her some questions that I could have asked him, but I didn't want it to be awkward. So I asked her instead.

Now I am only speaking for me. But these are my clients, good guys that I really like and respect. I am not here to hurt them.

But this is how reference has worked for me. Hopefully, that helps a bit.
There is no standard way this information is shared between SP's. However, to assume your personal information is being handled the way you handle your operation Jessica, is just too risky. So to close off conversations with you on this: this applies to everyone but Jessica Rain, ok? I don't care about your unusual ways oh being an SP, but you are unlike the vast majority, and you know this. The majority would gladly give out information if pressured by another SP. I think there's a lot of truth to that.
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