Hush Companions

Scam Alert : Tracey at Taboo's Gatineau


Occasional Hobbyist
Aug 19, 2003
Found this on MERB ...

Ripped Off - By Dancer At Club Taboo by SEX-ANALYST

On Friday night (Nov 21), went to the back vip to dance with a blonde with the stage name of Tracey.

She is tall about 5 `8 nice figure, long legs, long straight bleached blonde hair, average face, small to medium breast with brown nipples, around 23 - 25 years old.

While at the back just before dancing, she said she was nervous, it was her first time dancing in 7 months. She explained she just had a baby 20 days ago....and then she showed me her new baby`s photo. She said she needed to cash a government welfare cheque for about $650 and needs the money right away to help her and the baby. She with sign the cheque over to me and I will deposit it in the bank, and I would then give her the cash. It was 1am and she said I could then go to her place and have fun till 3am. I agreed, and gave her an intial sum of $300 after she gave me her health card as security while I waited for her outside the club.

Well she called a taxi, for her ex-boyfriend (baby`s father) who was drunk and asked me to keep out of sight until after goes away on a taxi. Well I waited at the club like a fool, and they both took off on the taxi together.

Boy do I feel stupid. IF you see her, just avoid her and don`t get any dances , boycott her please !!!

I thought I was helping her and the baby, that was my main incentive plus the possibility of having fun, but its not fun to be ripped-off. Hmmm what do I do with a OHIP health card now ?
I`m not even sure if it looks like her in the picture. Her real name is Isabella on the Ohip card.

George OTJ

George of the Jungle
Nov 12, 2003
North York
Tough luck. Security isn't security unless it's worth $300. I'm surprised SEX_ANALYST didn't take the endorsed check (after confirming that the check was made out to the same name as was on her ID). The cheque would have been real security.

I did this once myself. Different situation. My girlfriend (dancer/SW) at the time was in Brampton detention and a 'friend' she'd met there wanted me to pickup and cash her family allowance check from her husband/boy friend (I forget which). It was her son's 16th birthday and they didn't have any money; she wanted to get him an ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. I made sure I had the cheque in my hand before I passed over any money. Fortunately everything worked-out ok.


New member
Mar 10, 2003
I guess it proves the old saying "A fool and his money are soon parted".
I am lucky I am an uncaring bastard. Saves me from these scams
Don't get me wrong, I have thrown away my money just like everyone else but I have known full well I wouldn't see it again. One of my little rules of life "never give money if you expect to get it back". Trust me it will save you a lot of headaches.
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