Say A Big "NO" To Property Tax Hike By GTA/Mississauga!


Feb 14, 2008
Thousand of people are loosing their permanent jobs every day, and under going heavy mental tensions and hard-ships on day to day basis.
Whereas the city of Toronto & Mississauga have a cheek to raise the Property Taxes for the current year by 4% & 4.1% respectively, which is a real shock to the property owners. Instead of decreasing the Property Taxes as the prices of Properrties have gone down by over 20%~30% but still the cities has ignored the genuine pleas of its residents not to increase the Property Taxes this year. The citizens of Markham Salutes to its local govt for not increasing a penny in their property taxes this year due to on going recession.
Instead of bringing a Stimulus Package for its citizen, the cities of Canada are pushing the taxes higher to increase further financial burden on its own people which is a real sad state of affair going on over here in Canada.
Rather the Provincial & Federal Government should immediately start paying every low income tax payer a monthly lum-sum to meet the challenges of on-going recession, so they can cope-up with their day to day expences, but there is no hope from any quarter for the real deserving citizens of this country.


New member
Jan 16, 2004
Its seriously is pretty sad. I mean picture this you only have to hit $120k a year to have to give up 46.41% of your income to the government in taxes. Thats insane, and really probably the major reason for things like the brain drain that happens. I'm a social liberal and fiscal conservative. Why can't Canada reach an appropriate balance in regards to taxes?

I know we have all these services and such, but most of them end up being a waste of tax payer money.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
The old you get the government that you deserve comes to mind, the only choice you have is to make surew he gets voted out next year


New member
Nov 20, 2006
Well if your making $1200000 or more your in the 4% of the population at the top of the scale and you should pay your fair share


Mar 25, 2006
Don't mind paying the little bit extra here in mississauga, Hazel treats us pretty good and I can't complain about the services I am getting for my tax dollars.


Feb 14, 2008
omg I nver knew Butter Has Gone So Cheap:)

chuckparker said:
Don't mind paying the little bit extra here in mississauga, Hazel treats us pretty good and I can't complain about the services I am getting for my tax dollars.
omg I never imagined that Butter has gone so cheap during recession:)
Every house-hold has cut its expences to survive during recession.
Mississauga has surplus funds, they should not support other dangling cities now during recession, instead look after the welfare of its own citizens, who has made mississauga as the most promising city in canada.
Its high time Mississauga should go indy from the Peel Region, as its is the 6th, largest city of our beloved country Canada,& offer all possible relief rather a stimulus package to its own people in their hard times.
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