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Santillo discussion revisited


New member
Sep 27, 2002
So I`m interested in spending some time with a woman that has a different body type than I`m used to. I find this lady who I think is very attractive (thanks to Santillo) and set appt. There was no deception on her website and all her info was problem there. So when I met her, I quickly remembered why I`m not attracted to this body type.

However, thanks to Santillo, she appeared so enticing and georgeous. See the following thread as to techniques and reasons regarding this;

So here`s the topic of discussion; obviously the ladies are using Santillo to get new clients, but how many arrive and are dissapointed? Is this practice better or worse for the industry? Obviously it will create new business, but repeat business? How do the SP`s feel about this? What about us consumers?
I think the lady is best to use pictures that present herself as she.

Flattering photographs, of course, but using lighting and choise of poses to change the impression of the model, to something she is not, is a mistake. Especially for the lady looking to attract clients who will repeat.

Consider the photos of Kyla Morgan:

What you see is what you get.


Prairie Princess
Dec 23, 2002
Stylists on the side

Now is it not possible to find an ex-stylist ? I mean hire him for 50$ you have your date and sees the lady in the photo. Otheriwse I agree, take pictures that are more accurate. Or be your own stylist and its all up to the photographer, if you use Covergirl, use it in your photos.

Myself I use a horny old man who has a camera fetish, not a lady fetish, in his living room. Cost : zero wife says its worth it because they have great priceless sex after each shoot.

I dont wear make up in my photos but sure do during our encounter, because after the hottub and sweaty things going on, you end up with the lady in the picture.

But seriously, if a lady is willing to get the hottest pics out there and pay an enormous fee for them, bleeding hell, hire someone on the side to keep you that way.

BUT dont, take average pics either, that's lazy. Men realize things will be different, but they will (men are suckers for garters) go for the gorgeous pics and be disappointed before they will follow through on a natural pic, BECAUSE on the off chance, you'll be just like the picture.

not knocking natural beauty there either, but even I know the camera adds ten pounds in all the wrong places.


New member
Sep 27, 2002
I only blame myself

Lisa says;

"I have no sympathy for people who wallow around blaming others for everything they do in their life"

Same here! My comments were not derogatory, as a matter of fact, I think I even commented on the integrity of the SP's honest and accurate website. Nor were my comments a complaint! I was just wondering how the SP's felt about it, and if the repeat business was low due to the "hypnotized dick" syndrome.

As a matter of fact, the SP was very profesional and I would recommend her to anyone who enjoys this body type. Other than the photos, the entire experience was enjoyable and fun. I just wouldn't repeat.

Santillo's work is impressive and it usually comes up in every conversation I have with a new client wanting photographs. With his background being commercial and Fashion he knows what will look good and sell the product, thus his popularity.

A majority of you will agree that many member of this board dont like to book an SP sight unseen, so first impression counts for everything. So those who can afford (or can't afford not to), wil book willy for his services at over $100 and hour + location and make-up.

So what stops someone from me upping the bar and matching him... there's no point. I can use the same studio that Glenn Specht rents out, Hire a make up artist (likely at a cheaper rate) and bring in a Nikon Film and D100 Digital with all the lighting I can burn for about $400 less .... But there's not a lot of SP's that will cork out $700 for photos and be willing to subject themseves to 6 hours of tedious inspection.

Add to that it'd be near impossible to file through 8 - 10 escorts or Massage attendants for an agency to be at one location and work like an assembly line for photos without the use of handcuffs would be impossible. So instead of working in a 24 X 48 studio I've tried to hone my craft in a room at a spa or close quarters.

everyone has their own style of taking a picture and if that's the style of photo that an SP wants then there's no problem... I fully aggree with Kiarra and have mentioned it in person to a few SPs that the make up artist isn't a great idea because it doesn't represent what will appear at your door. Paul's added his own flair into the photos taken and I'm sure that as he progresses he too will get both his critics and fans of his work.

You can't blame the SP for wanting the best advertising materials available when everyone makes their choices on the first pic they see of them.

Just my 2 cents.


Senior Member
Mar 23, 2002
I'm with Dave on this one

I agree with Dave. First of all, it's not necessary to spend really big bucks on a picture that is going to end up on the web at slightly larger than postage size. The escort pic should give an idea of the body type the client is getting and should be as flattering as possible but still reflect reality.

The task is often complicated when the lady does not want to show her face.

I've had the most success shooting "on location" in a hotel or in her natural environment. I carry a minium of lights and a backdrop.

Tessa's pic on escorts-Canada is a sample.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I agree with Damondean

My theory is that the website is simply an erotic "Sears catalogue". The client wants to see the merchandise before agreeing to purchase. The photo should be attractive and as flattering as possible, but should represent reality and there's no need to go really overboard and spend Rolls Royce money for a hi-end product.

I mean, how many hobbyists tour around Queen Street and Yorkville deliberately checking out art photography gallery openings?? The guys are by and large not interested in this type of visual product.

Santillo's success partly rests on the fact he gets talked about by escorts and is very expensive. An escort I know suggested his name to me for her website design, but had no idea what his snaps really looked like or how guys would really react to them. She just thought a photographer who charged THAT much HAD to be better than anyone else.

Well, maybe he is, in terms of technical expertise and equipment. But probably not for a escort's website. IMHO.
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