Saw her many years ago when she did Duo's with Sara. Very SAD. She posted only a week ago on twitter I believe that she was retiring. Then shortly after that I read that she passed. Does anyone have more information on her passing?
Sad to hear this. Especially since she was super active in the scene both as provider and socially. Never met her as her style wasn’t really for me but I always appreciated her presence here and on twitter and her unabashed opinions.
My sincere condolences to her family, friends and others she’s touched. Such a shame.
I have never met her...but i was sad reading about her passing. May She rest in peace.
Condolences to her family, friends and hobbyists affected by her passing.
Sorry news to hear of her sudden passing - I met her years ago and remember her welcoming and friendly personality.
Malika was a unique voice in the community.
Condolences to her friends and family.
I only knew her from seeing her posts here.
She seemed like a sweet and intelligent person and and not afraid to share interesting stories about her personal life and experiences.
Just taking a glance at her list of posts shows how she would contribute intelligently to discussions on many topics, and seemed eager to offer help when someone was looking for info or advice. Malika Fantasy's posts on TERB