Sacrifices for an SP/MPA session...


New member
Jun 20, 2002
After reading "puckhead's" post about his appt. being messed up and having to be home by 9pm, it got me thinking about the times I've had to reschedule meetings, miss appointments altogether, drive clear across the GTA, etc, etc, all in search of that ever elusive "perfect" session. No doubt one could argue there's an element of obsession in this hobby of ours.

So, the question is, what's the greatest length or greatest sacrifice you've gone to to see a particular SP/MPA? Or what's the greatest investment of time and inconvenience you've endured in search of a particular provider?

As for myself, its difficult to choose, but I'd have to go with missing a flight home a couple of years ago from Tel Aviv so that I could get "just one more" session in with an absolutely terrific SP that I saw regularly while traveling back and forth to Israel for a number of months in 1999/2000.

I had co-workers, including my boss, on the same flight who of course were initially quite concerned over my absence, not to mention trying to rearrange my flight schedule and find a hotel room to stay over another couple of days until the next available flight.

Of course the upside of that adventure, was that I ended up with a further two days in Tel Aviv and arranged to spend almost all of it with this particular SP.

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