s/p's beware - - con artist


Not your average escort
Oct 7, 2001
Niagara falls
Fellow s/p's beware of a very good con-artist. Goes by the name of Karl (may have changed it). Poses as a well to do buisiness man looking for an executive secretary to travel extensively with him doing seminars on gambling addition. Has all the info on these seminars. Wants you to sign a contract offering a HUGE salary. I know of more than one lady who has been taken in and one actually quit her day job. No money, of course is ever seen as he is only interested in free samples. Works out of the Niagara Region and who knows where else. Just a word to the wize. Hugs, Maryln

GirlFriends Toronto

Established since 2002
Jan 24, 2003
North York
He's been up to this for the past 2-3 years.
A couple of escorts that I know of where approached by him.
Some listened with their brains in regards to my advice. But someone I know did not and was almost ripped off by him. He hooked, lined but didn't sink her.



Jul 30, 2003

I'm so sorry for what you have been put through and what the other women you have mentioned have been put through. :(

If you could PM me all the details you have, SPOC will investigate this situation and bring it to our lawyers. Do you have a copy of the contract you signed? This will help use more quickly to find this man and take him down.

S.P.O.C's main goal and reason why it was founded back in 1983 is to fight for decriminalize in prostitution. But we also deal with 'bad client lists', going after con artists to make sure they are exposed and shut down, provide counciling for anybody in the SW industry that have had a 'bad call' and much more. S.P.O.C is in the process of redesigning a new website.

If you would like S.P.O.C to look into this matter and help you find justice let me know. *hugs*



It's been good to know ya
I am sorry to hear that one actually quit her job because of this. :( Always remember if it looks to good to be true it usually is. Thanks for sharing this with us Maryln.


New member
Feb 2, 2005

We have recieved copies of the some of the emails sent by this person. We will be adding him to the BCL with samples of the emails he sends. He has been emailing women with ads on The Red Zone and Escorts Canada.

He claims to owner a problem gambling site, that is no longer online and as well as he claims to be a part time Banquet manager for a local St. Catherine Hotel. These are two give-a-ways. Also he will tell you nice things such as you work 6 hours and party for 10. That they only use upscale hotels, etc. He also states and I quote:

The pay is $60,000 per year plus expenses for the right very open minded and liberal lady. The pay is broken down into two sections. One half is cash and the other half is taxed.If you are interested or know a friend that is then we can talk. If you refer someone and I hire her then you will receive a finders fee of $2,000.

If you recieve any emails with this type of content, please do not respond. You may forward the emails along with the header info to me at info@happyhookersofcanada.com and they will be added to his file.

Thank you,
Happy Hooker President
Toronto Escorts