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Russian airstrikes


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
A Russian prays to God:

"Dear God, my neighbour has a cow and I don't"

God replies; "What do you want my son?"

"I want you to kill his cow"
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002
Huge protests in London and Paris! Oh wait there’s none. No jews no news.
What exactly would they be protesting? The West does not support Russia, it supports Ukraine. You want them to protest Western support for Ukraine?


Well-known member
Feb 21, 2023
Really?? Only dozens killed? A lightweight with a Walmart special kills more in a US school shooting. But this is supposed to be a million dollar mission designed to level a building. And it’s usual for dozens to die daily in any normal hospital - from natural causes. It’s not news when dozens die at Toronto General Hospital, for example.
If this were a believable account, the death toll would be in the hundreds not dozens. (Israel knows how to rack up death toll counts with the missiles they use.) A quick Internet search reveals that the damage to the hospital is consistent with debris from Ukraine’s missile defense system and not from a Russian missile.

Is it only me that is noticing the holes in the Western media’s sensational story?? And how come all the babies in the news report look like they just had a bath?? Remember how dirty everyone looked after 911? This story doesn’t add up.

Yes, there was an explosion but I am starting to think that the culprits weren’t the Russians.
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Are we really sure it was Russia’s missiles? This isn’t the first time the US/Zelensky bombs one of their own to garner public sympathy/outrage. Remember, Israel proudly bombs hospitals in Palestine. It’s what they do.
This is the story the Putin trolls like Jackson Hinkle are suddenly telling.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Trump and Farage got erections.
I don't think Trump can physically get erections anymore, due to age and general physical decrepitude. I believe Farage is permanently semi erect, due to plastic surgery on his tiny dick that went very, very wrong.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009
Putin is desperate, he wants to escalate the war. He is putting more chips on the table so the Ukraine will negotiate a peace settlement. He can not walk away from the war with nothing. Putin's military is in tatters and Russia's economy will suffer for decades. Putin wants to be remembered as a Napoleon in history, He will be remembered as a thug.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Putin will be remembered as a thug in the west and in Ukraine.
In Russia he will be remembered more fondly than Stalin. In the
rest of the world Putin's name isn't as bad as it is on this board.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Are we really sure it was Russia’s missiles? This isn’t the first time the US/Zelensky bombs one of their own to garner public sympathy/outrage. Remember, Israel proudly bombs hospitals in Palestine. It’s what they do.ospital
"Russia, Russia Russia!"

They're always getting railroaded for shit like this, huh?
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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Really?? Only dozens killed? A lightweight with a Walmart special kills more in a US school shooting. But this is supposed to be a million dollar mission designed to level a building. And it’s usual for dozens to die daily in any normal hospital - from natural causes. It’s not news when dozens die at Toronto General Hospital, for example.
If this were a believable account, the death toll would be in the hundreds not dozens. (Israel knows how to rack up death toll counts with the missiles they use.) A quick Internet search reveals that the damage to the hospital is consistent with debris from Ukraine’s missile defense system and not from a Russian missile.

Is it only me that is noticing the holes in the Western media’s sensational story?? And how come all the babies in the news report look like they just had a bath?? Remember how dirty everyone looked after 911? This story doesn’t add up.

Yes, there was an explosion but I am starting to think that the culprits weren’t the Russians.
First, I gotta stop the bursting out loud laughing after encountering the above quoted "it's you, not me" post, but I can't just yet.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Are we really sure it was Russia’s missiles? This isn’t the first time the US/Zelensky bombs one of their own to garner public sympathy/outrage. Remember, Israel proudly bombs hospitals in Palestine. It’s what they do.
You are the winner of the Predictable Bring Putin/Israel into it Countdown Timer!

Are "we" sure? Don't you dare iinclude yourself with we thinking people in normal civilized society.

There is actual high def video of a fully intact Russian hypersonic missile as it flew into the base of the Children's Hospital.

And no, there is zero evidence of "Zelensky" nor Ukraine bombing themselves to garner sympathy. They do NOT need to waste a single bullet, greande nor bomb to garner sympathy from anyone that matters. And the only people who Russia attacking Ukraine will not be swayed by anything. Least of all risking such a stupid, self destructive move. Your Russian thinnking mindset must be confused with Putin's terrorist attack on the apartment buildigns to justify invading Chechnya. That's what they (Russians) do!

Ukraine will not waste a single bullet that could be used to kill another invading Russian orc.Nor a bomb or missile that could blow up anothr Russian oil refinery. FFS, the only ones who have bombed Russian residential buildings is the incompetant Russkies who have dropped countless bombs by mistake on their own cities!

Hot Dogger? What a cold limp Russian wiener sucker you are you are. 🤣


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Yes the Russians have always targeted civilians and civilian infrastructure. They try to totally break the civilian will. They rape and pillage. Part of that is a chunk of the army is referred to as the "meat" and they're forced at gunpoint to blindly attack the enemy. If they fail, or turn back, they get shot by their own troops. Total disregard for anything decent.
And US Senatot Ted Cruz wants the US army to be more like the Russians. What a pipsqueak coward.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Really?? Only dozens killed? A lightweight with a Walmart special kills more in a US school shooting. But this is supposed to be a million dollar mission designed to level a building. And it’s usual for dozens to die daily in any normal hospital - from natural causes. It’s not news when dozens die at Toronto General Hospital, for example.
If this were a believable account, the death toll would be in the hundreds not dozens. (Israel knows how to rack up death toll counts with the missiles they use.) A quick Internet search reveals that the damage to the hospital is consistent with debris from Ukraine’s missile defense system and not from a Russian missile.

Is it only me that is noticing the holes in the Western media’s sensational story?? And how come all the babies in the news report look like they just had a bath?? Remember how dirty everyone looked after 911? This story doesn’t add up.

Yes, there was an explosion but I am starting to think that the culprits weren’t the Russians.

You're not starting to think. Least of all starting to think that the culprits weren't the Russians.

When you hear hooves, think horses, not zebras.

Aside from that, this very tactic of destroying civillian targets and then trying to gaslight gullible fools that the victim blew themselves up.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Are we really sure it was Russia’s missiles? This isn’t the first time the US/Zelensky bombs one of their own to garner public sympathy/outrage. Remember, Israel proudly bombs hospitals in Palestine. It’s what they do.

You, as usual, didn't even watch the CBC video. The very first minute shows the actual incoming intact, Kinzhal missile. It wasn't shot down and fell. It wasn't a patriot and for that matter, the ballistic trajectory is not consistent with any missile Ukraine could launch so close to Kyiv.

Do you even recognize how stupid your comments are?
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