Ashley Madison

Running into an SP in public?


New member
Sep 9, 2017
Has anyone been subject to this situation before where they ran into one of their SP in public by accident or met an SP in a public/social setting. If so, how did you handle it? Anonimity is important but Ottawa is also small as well.

Thanks in advance.

- Killahbees


Active member
Sep 16, 2006
I think the best bet is to carry on as if you don't recognize her. It's entirely likely that she keeps her SP life and "vanilla" life separate and would not appreciate the two getting mixed up. As a client, I would expect the same from an SP.

The "Bone" Ranger

tits lover
Aug 5, 2006
I went for drinks after work with coworkers a couple of years ago and after we get seated to my surprise our server was this hot SP I had seen at least 15 times. When you have been intimate with someone that many times you have no problems recognizing each other!

Anyways, she turned out to be truly professional and did not pull any stunts and just kept giving me a casual smile throughout the time she served us. We both pretended that we didn't know each other and I had to make sure I hid my boner as it brought back some good times with her!!! She was one of the top girls I had ever been with, too bad she retired.


Corvette Cowboy
Dec 18, 2014
I think the best bet is to carry on as if you don't recognize her. It's entirely likely that she keeps her SP life and "vanilla" life separate and would not appreciate the two getting mixed up. As a client, I would expect the same from an SP.
It happened to me and acted as if I did not recognize her ,out of respect .


Jun 26, 2008
Hasn't happened to me, but I would not acknowledge her in any way.
What happens in private, stays in private.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
By default I will offer a small, acknowledging smile in passing, IF she's alone, but won't approach or start up a conversation.

Years ago I saw Carrie Moon in Walmart, she was alone, and we just exchanged smiles as we were both pressed for time, it seems (I had only seen her once, though).

About a year ago I saw Chloe Summers on the bus but didn't approach her. Texting with her later I found out she would not have appreciated the interruption and suggested I never do this with any providers. She was alone, and the bus wasn't that crowded, but for all I know she had nosey neighbours on the bus with her. It's none of their business if she has someone talk to her on the bus but she doesn't need extra suspicions. Perhaps, I'm speculating too much haha. Whatever, best to leave them alone.

And about 5 years ago I ran into Loraine Laney, and 2 years ago PK Rain (after she'd left PK and it had collapsed), both downtown, and in both instances they greeted me with a genuine kiss, right there on the street, so some intimacies can extend beyond the room. That's nice if you've been able to get that kind of trust!

But, for the most part, I kinda like the idea of leaving them alone if they want to separate these parts of their lives. It makes what we both know we've shared in private a little more special. I can always look at that woman in-real-life, in a crowd perhaps, and realize I've seen her naughty bits in ways most other people around her haven't! And if we've both quietly acknowledged the other's presence it shows we both "get it" when it comes to the respectful separation. That has a chance of paying off later!!!
Dec 8, 2018
Same goes with social media run ins with IRL accounts. Don't add them, don't message them, even if to try help them and aknowledge you found them thinking you're just helping them out by doing so. They will not appreciate it as you feel they might, and it will cause unintended stress out of fear in being exposed which can't be fixed.

I recall Kitten_kinkie telling a story here about an awkward aknowledgement someone made at the dog park. Play it cool, covert smiles are usually ok if you've met before, but all privacy for both sides should be respected and the priority.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
This question has been raised many times over the years.
Mostly always ends up at the same conclusion for both hobbyists and Providers.

General agreement - everybody has a right to privacy and live apart from their professional/hobby life.
Don't disturb the peace.
Keep on walking.
Don't acknowledge.
Don't nod.
Don't grin or leer.
No friendly uninvited banter.
No "hello" or "Hey, how are ya".
Don't burn your relationship - getting familiar in public is the same as outing someone.


Happened to me at least 3 times. One while at a small store and the SP came roaring in with male partner and kids in tow. Looked straight at me and seemed rather shocked and concerned I would say something that might out her. I didn't so everything was fine. I don't think her partner knew of her line of work.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
I bumped into an MP in a parking lot...we just exchanged smiles. She was alone and I was too...She just got out of her car and I'm getting I drive out of the lot...I saw her at a bus some of these ladies prefer their private lives be private. respect goes a long way...just see her afterwards and have a good laugh...


Seriously ?
Sep 25, 2015
It has happened to me a few times.
Once, while attending a conference, she was working in a booth for one of the exhibitors.
We recognized each other, smiled, but said nothing of it.
Obviously she did not work for that company, but was hired as a "booth bunny", to let her "attractiveness" draw more people.
That was a sideline of hers.

Another time, I was at a fast food place, and noticed a MP.
She noticed me also, but made efforts to not make it known.
Her (mother) was with her - so it was obvious that she did not want any confrontation.
So in this case - we just knowingly ignored each other's presence, out of respect.

On another occasion, at a restaurant, she was with her boyfriend.
She noticed me, and I could almost see the terror in her eyes - as if to plead with me not to approach her or say anything.
Of course I would never do that to anyone.
So, when he was not looking, she gave me a thankful (warm) smile, and we each went about our normal business.

Lastly - there have been quite a few occasions, where I am in public and an attractive woman locks eyes with me, and I am not sure that I even know her.
So then there's this confused trance that we exchange where we are both trying to figure out if we know each other, and if so.... from "where", Lol.
Or, perhaps I am just reading it wrong and it is a simple matter of attraction - who knows - but it is still interesting when it happens.

It is probably safest for both parties to not acknowledge each other - as you never know who's looking, or who is going to show up at any moment, or .....
Just respect each other's privacy and the fact that they have their own lives to live apart from whatever you and she have shared together in the past.

That's my .02 anyway.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2017
Small World!... I was surprised to discover that a well-regarded SP has her personal residence (not her incall) in the high rise apartment unit directly below mine. At a moment when we were alone, she told me her real name so we could say greet each other my name in the company of others without raising suspicion. We act just like neighbours when we meet, obviously with no revelation of any other relationship.

Otherwise, I would never approach a SW I know in a public place, nor would I expect her to do so unless we were alone and she initiated the interaction.

Malika Fantasy

Well-known member
Oct 24, 2009
Ottawa base.
Ive run in a few clients over the years, and definitely some have seen me since i show my face, im heavily tattooed and often have wild colour hair.
If its a regular and we are alone sometime Ive given a hug or exchange small words.

But more often than not its leave us alone we dont want the attention.

Two cases that happen that piss me of to no extend. Once a few years ago I had bright pink hair and was doing some yoga in the park and I receive a text saying hey were you doing yoga at x park today? The worst was in Ottawa where I was having dinner with my dad and someone said Malika? Im out to my family about being a sex worker, but my dad doesnt need to know my work name.

The person repeated itself hey are you Malika? and came to the fucking table asking again. Gave him the stare of death and I think he got it, but said oh sorry to disturb you.
Yeah thanks now my dad my work name.


Whatever member...
Mar 6, 2004
Happened to me a few times. I don't force eye contact but if our eyes cross, I just a give quick smile to acknowledge and I keep doing whatever I was doing before I saw her. The acknowledgement, in my opinion, if it doesn't go further than a silent furtive thing, is better than doing nothing. If I don't react at all and the girl is with other people, she might feel the need to watch her back to ensure I won't drop in at the worst time to say hi. By acknowledging I saw her then going back to my shit, it shows I saw her and won't bug her so, she can go back to her stuff without worrying.


Oct 22, 2018
I met my favorite MA a while ago at a Costco store. I was putting something into the bottom of the cart. When I glanced up, I saw this beautiful lady and thought for a fraction of a second that I had seen her before. The look on her face said the same thing - that she knew me. But we didn't acklowdge each other because we had other familiy memebers with us. Later, we had a good laugh exchanging texts.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Well, a few years back I was at Bluesfest when I see our beloved Betty with a few of her friends. I was so totally tempted, but, of course, I just wondered along with no contact whatsoever.

Next time I had a visit with Betty, she tells me that I should have come by to say hi...I'm like totally in really? She's like oh ya, that would have been sweet. Dagger through my heart! LOL

Of course, the lesson is to always be discreet, no matter who it is, and to just get over it if she is that open, cuz you never know! But I still remember how totally awesome it would have been to hang out with Betty and her friends at Bluesfest. Ahhh...the dreams I've had! :)


Jul 7, 2015
I work in the core and see girls all the time. But my hard rule is to never acknowledge or be tempted to say hi. We all demand discretion when it comes to our real identities so the same goes for the ladies. I’d hate to lose a lady because someone overstepped like in Malika’s comment above.

On the other hand a few years ago I was on the bus looking out the window when I see a group of friends all dressed up ready for a night out. One of the group catches my eye and I’m thinking she looks a lot like Milf porn star Carrie Moon. I get home and do quick a google search and lo and behold not only is she in Ottawa but she’s also an SP. Well that was my introduction to this world and Carrie was the first SP I visited. Even though Carrie no longer lives in Ottawa I never fail to see her when she visits.



That is unforgivable. Real world trolling IMO.

Ive run in a few clients over the years, and definitely some have seen me since i show my face, im heavily tattooed and often have wild colour hair.
If its a regular and we are alone sometime Ive given a hug or exchange small words.

But more often than not its leave us alone we dont want the attention.

Two cases that happen that piss me of to no extend. Once a few years ago I had bright pink hair and was doing some yoga in the park and I receive a text saying hey were you doing yoga at x park today? The worst was in Ottawa where I was having dinner with my dad and someone said Malika? Im out to my family about being a sex worker, but my dad doesnt need to know my work name.

The person repeated itself hey are you Malika? and came to the fucking table asking again. Gave him the stare of death and I think he got it, but said oh sorry to disturb you.
Yeah thanks now my dad my work name.


Active member
Mar 7, 2019
Great stories. Some are scary (Malika), others sweet (Pool).

I hope to be lucky enough to at least spot a Ma or Sp in public, just because it would be exciting to know that we have shared an intimate moment, but if course I would not dare make a public acknowledgement.


Well-known member
May 12, 2014
I've bumped into a few ladies as well. Happened about 4-5 times.

A - two instances, we both caught each other's eyes. Just a smile, a slight nod (maybe a wink) and kept moving.

B - one very memorable instance where (we're both by ourselves at a mall), we caught eye, we both literally turn our heads to look left, look right then look straight at each other. #coastisclearmoment
We gave each other that 'long time no see look', we both have the biggest smiles and I would hear her go "omg heeeyy, it's been so long!!" followed by a hug and a little chitchat before we go our separate ways. Our age gap is not that big (single digits) so it's not too, too weird. That was a retired regular who I hadn't seen in two years before we bumped into each other.

C - 3+ years ago, I let a provider know beforehand I might bump into her on campus since I was there for an organized event. She was ok with it and told me I can come up and talk to her. We actually did and I had the chance to say hello to a few of her friends. This was just a very brief moment. Gave them tickets to the event. Saw them there but I was too occupied so I didn't talk to them.
I actually had lunch with this particular lady in another city recently.

D - a retired MA, told me if I see her again I should come and talk to her, if she is alone. Unfortunately, I have not bumped into her yet.

I wish all these ladies all the best and I appreciate all our time together.
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