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Rogers announces the iphone


DrRogers has left the Bld


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
If you want an Ipod that happens to also be a phone and has a (slow) browser, plus be very trendy, then go Iphone. Personnaly, I don't like the Ipod (prefer the Zen), and want a phone that works well, which is why I prefer the BB.

There's a reason why the Iphone took so long to get here: Steve Jobs' business model is really gutsy. They not only get money from the provider, but also get 20$/month from every Iphone user. That's why Apple didn't want their phones unlocked. It's also the type of control Ted Rogers wants for himself, but not for anyone else. I wonder what they compromised on?

As it is, I hope Rogers gets the 2nd gen Iphone, which at least will be on HSDPA. Kinda sad to have such a kick-ass browser with such a slow data connection.

But as far as PDA's go, the Iphone will never hold up against the BB, or even Windows Mobile or Symbian devices.
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