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Robert Baltovich Acquitted


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2002
boffo said:
Robert Baltovich has been found not guilty after spending 18 years of his life (age 24 to 42) fighting to clear his name in the old Elizabeth Bain murder case from 1990.

Prosecutors said they would not call any witnesses forward or present any evidence and judge instructed the jury that the only possible verdict is not guilty.
I was wondering why there was a verdict when they were just talking the other day about jury selection. I don't know how long these things are supposed to take, but the ones in the news usually last for months.


Retired from the Hobby
Dec 17, 2002
West End
With all that media attentions, how in the world can you find and impartial jury?

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
KBear said:
Would be interesting to know what evidence he was convicted on, and why that evidence does not matter now.

From part of the long story in the Globe and Mail...

The prosecution received another pre-trial blow when the Supreme Court of Canada issued a ruling last year in the case of R v Trochym that effectively knocked out a dimension of the Crown's case. In the ruling, the Supreme Court expressed skepticism about witness memories enhanced by the use of hypnotism.

Since several key witnesses in the Baltovich case had sharpened their recollections under hypnosis, the ruling had a direct bearing on the admissibility of their evidence.....

They use that over in the USA too, people are in jail because 20 years later under hypnosis somebody recalls what happen to them but at the time they block it out of their minds. Problem is sometimes what they remember never did really happen to them.

More from the Globe and Mail....

Mr. Baltovich's 1992 murder conviction was one of a relatively small number in Canadian legal history in which there was neither an eyewitness nor a body......

Just great


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
she was killed right around the time bernardo was on his rampage.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
the defense put forward the idea that she was his first victim. he's not talking we will probably never know.


Jan 18, 2003
bbking said:
It's about time ... the poor guy was caught up in the fear that the Scarborough rapes had caused and was convicted on the flimsiest evidence. There should be an investigation to determine how a citizen can so easily lose their freedom.

Though not an investigation by Canadian authorities, the book No Claim to Mercy is a very well written account of the events surrounding the disappearence of Elizabeth Bain, the subsequent police investigation and the evidence used against Robert Baltovich.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
bbking said:
There should be an investigation to determine how a citizen can so easily lose their freedom.


It happens, sometimes more often than one thinks.

We had a serial killer running around here years ago, around 1990 I believe. He was raping and killing women and even teenage girls.

When he was first starting out, he went to a "lovers lane" out around 30 mins from Detroit in a good area were "nothing bad happens". He found a 16 year old couple and pushed the boy away and took the girl.

For like a week, everybody thought the boy was making the story up! But then other females started disappearing . The police did catch him like after, I forget 8-10 killings. After they arrested him, he went with the police and showed them were he buried the victims. :eek:

But if he would have stop after the first one, that boy could be in jail still today.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Is the assumption that Baltovich did not do it? I recall from the trial that he had made some very specific threats, but that there was no body, no eyewitness, and no forensic evidence, such as her blood in his trunk or anything like that. But Bernardo claimed he did not do it, even after he had nothing to lose and had admitted a bunch of other things. And it did not entirely fit his style. I am not sure what to believe.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Even the Crown now doesn't really think he did it. They were trying to save face by recently offering him 1 day in jail if he showed them where the body is. Only trouble is if you didn't do it you don't know where the body is.


New member
Feb 28, 2007
the police got tunnel vision with the need to make the area safe. Once they lock in on someone it is almost impossible to redirect them . You are tring to prove a negative, I did not kill/steal /drive etc. It is an institutional problem. They have a solution they like and chase it to the conclusion they want.

Baltovich made some statements that looked with 20/20 hindsite are ambiguous .

He told a jail guard that they would never find a body. Now did he hide it well or did he just assume that whoever did kill her had done so.

Did he do it legally no he did not , actually I don't know although I doubt it and unfortunatly I doubt we ever will know who did it


New member
Aug 30, 2004
Having grown up in the area and knowing both Liz and Rob as a teenager as well as the hypnotic liar friend of Liz's (and this person was always a lying POS) who's testimony put Rob in jail. I have always thought Rob was innocent (solely my opinion). I always felt the evidence was too slim to convict a man of murder. JMHO

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Spanglerdoo said:
When does Bernado get out of jail ...might be "soft" on crime but not that soft :p


Aug 31, 2001
downtown toronto
The judge got spanked by the Court of Appeal for his inflamatory, biased charge to the jury in the original trial.

And witnesses testified based on information obtained through hypnosis (which the SCC has now ruled inadmissible).

And the defence counsel conducted recent tests to show that the Crown theory would not work out - based on CSI like experiments involving killing pigs and leaving their body for 3 days to see whether maggots would have been found on Elizabeth Bain's vehicle.



New member
Feb 28, 2007
dangerous offenders don't get cottage time, could you imagine the uproar if he was goiven congugal visits and he did what he does naturally. Not even a corrections canada beurocrat is that stupid. These people have set new definitions of stupid over the years.

Bernardo is a dangerous offender as well as serving 25 to life for the murders 3 for the price of one. Technically he can apply for early parole after 15 years but he would have to get a judge to lift thte dangerous offender status , not so much I'm thinking
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