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Toronto Escorts

Robbie's Community Waddle: "The Mall Hippopotamus Edition"


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Kenneth Kidd Feature Writer

It was billed as Mayor Rob Ford’s second “Community Walk,” part of his “Cut the Waist Challenge.”

But if His Worship was hoping to make major progress in his bid to shed 50 pounds from his original 330 pounds, it’s doubtful Saturday’s walkabout did much to help.

In the course of almost 90 minutes, Ford and Councillor/brother Doug covered barely half a kilometre as they made their way around the inside of Eglinton Square shopping mall in Scarborough.

Ford even stopped for a blueberry/cranberry/banana smoothie at a Yogen Früz in the food court, although in fairness, that wasn’t his idea.

It was health and fitness expert Barry Samuel who originally wanted to present the Fords with very small smoothies, but the mayor insisted on paying.

Samuel’s goal was to buttonhole the brothers about getting them out for a diabetes fundraiser, the 7th annual Spring Into Action walk/run/cycle event in April. Doug Ford’s reply: “Count us in.”

The smoothies had about 60 calories apiece, said Samuel, who estimated the mayor only burned off about 100 calories during his walk.

“There was more stopping than there was moving,” said Samuel, who nevertheless applauded Ford for making his weight troubles public. “He’s certainly putting himself out there, so that’s great.”

Mostly, the mayor was in Scarborough for photo ops. His staff took 140 pictures of Ford with sundry well-wishers, which wasn’t going to leave much time for walking.

The event was also supposed to be a chance for people to share their thoughts with Ford about the need for more rapid transit in Scarborough. But over the course of 90 minutes, there was virtually no discussion of that

Councillor and Ford ally Mike Del Grande, who trailed the mayor during part of his perambulation, certainly wasn’t in a talkative mood. “My wife’s here to shop,” he told the Star.

The only hint of debate came just moments after Ford arrived at the mall, where Grade 12 student Janell Gray was lying in wait. She works two or three nights a week at a clothing store in Scarborough Town Centre to help her mother pay the bills.

But she often doesn’t leave work until midnight — and it can take an hour to get home near Kingston Rd. and Warden Ave. on transit. “He’s cut off TTC services,” Gray said before Ford walked into the mall.

She’s also concerned about any cuts to the opening hours of public libraries. “What about the kids who rely on public services,” said Gray, who wants to become a lawyer or paralegal.

But when Ford finally arrived, he wasn’t about to engage in a debate with Gray, instead inviting her to call his office after a staffer handed Gray a business card.

Though at first surprised at the invitation, she plans to do just that.

Hah, what a fat fraud!
Toronto Escorts