Robbed by Carmen 0371

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Apr 21, 2016
UPDATE: So texting Carmen further she still insists she did not rob me and still insists she is going to give the money back. She finally gave a more detailed explanation of what happened to her that night and I'm choosing to trust her for now. We will see whether or not she keeps her word. I'm hoping she does and that she's actually the sweet girl I remember. She says she needs some time to get me my money back so that's what I'm giving her. Time will tell. I'll keep you guys updated.

So I got robbed visiting an escort for the first time last night, I guess it was bound to happen to me sooner or later, and I've been so angry about all night that it's finally morning now and I think I'm calm enough to write this out.

This is the girl Carmen (0371):

And here is more pictures if that ad goes down:

Agentorange reviewed her before:

So I've seen Carmen 3 times previously in Oshawa and all 3 times were pretty great. She was friendly, accommodating and had a very relaxed personality that made it easy to talk to her. She had a looser p***y than I'm used to and didn't offer either cbj or bbbj, but her face made up for it, this girl is very pretty. I'm not really a fan of bj's anyways so it didn't really matter to me. So I see her ad on backpage this weekend and I shoot her a text and during our conversations it turns out that she's thinking of retiring. So of course I want to spend a lot of time with her so I book her for 2 hours from 6-8pm.

Then shit starts happening that I'm kicking myself for not seeing in hindsight. She texts me back and asks to push it to 630, 15 minutes later she pushes it back to 7pm. She says that's the last delay. We've been through this before on previous times I've seen her with her pushing it back and back, but I'm getting pissed off. After 7 she doesn't text me back until 720 and says a few more minutes. I then tell her I can only do half an hour, and then she freaks out and says she cancelled clients for me. I tell her she made me wait an hour and a half and she goes alright, and gives me her room number.

I go upstairs and I'm in a pissed off mood and she can sense it so it's awkward. Problem is she's so pretty I keep thinking I want to do the 2 hours again, even though she's jerked me around for the better part of my afternoon. She asks me if I want the half hour or 2 hours. I tell her 2 hours and I have to go to my car to get the rest of the money. I come back, manage to get her top off and get a few light kisses and we're talking for about 5 minutes when she gets a call on her hotel room phone. She says she has to go to the front desk because she's been smoking in the room and they want to talk to her about it, that its a $250 fine. Of course I've already paid her $440 so she grabs that and her phone and leaves. That's when I notice that she has none of her stuff in the room. The room is completely empty except for a box of condoms.

I thought I was safe going to a hotel to see an escort, I mean no one would just give up their room to rob someone right? So I put the latch on the door to keep it open and take a walk. She's not at the front desk or anywhere else in the hotel so I rush back to the room and text her I have no problem waiting for her, I have all night and I don't have anywhere to go and staying in a hotel room for the night would actually be pretty nice. Thats when her friend Lexi (9829) comes in:

I'd actually been texting the two of them earlier that day seeing their options for duos but ultimately I decided on seeing Carmen alone. Funny thing though is that Lexi was actually Riley who worked at Minxspa in Toronto and turns out the 2 of them had gone to high school together in northern ontario (I actually f**ked Riley one time at Minxspa, that place is a brothel don't even bother calling it a spa). Also Carmen let slip Riley/Lexi's real name, which I won't publish here because I'm not a total asshole.

Anyways Lexi comes in and tells me I need to leave because the room is in her name and she has a client coming over. Funny that she has a client coming over seeing how I had booked the room with Carmen for 2 hours. I tell her that I'm waiting for Carmen to come back, and she starts getting furious with me telling me to leave or else she will get security to come escort me out. I tell her to go ahead. She leaves the room for a few minutes while I continue to watch Teen Mom on MTV (which Carmen was watching) which is actually a pretty funny show if you're the type of person who likes to laugh at stupid people.

Lexi comes back in and threatens to call her "nigger" boyfriend to remove me from the room. I know that this is also a bluff but this girl is getting super aggressive and loud and I've never hit a girl in my life but I knew shit was going to go down if I continued to stay in the room so I left. I walked out the door and she tells me to leave. I'm just standing there in the hallway and I tell her I left the room already. She's like "Go to your car or there's gonna be a serious issue here!" and I go "I'm not doing anything I'm just standing in the hallway." She obviously doesn't want me knowing where her room is. Lexi is obviously the dumb one in this operation as she can't form a coherent response to any of my arguments, but she eventually gives up and goes to her room across the hall, where I assume Carmen is hiding out but I don't manage to get a good look inside the room.

Also the whole time this has been happening Carmen keeps texting me that she wasn't trying to rob me and that she had to leave because Lexi's "man" was coming upstairs. She wouldn't even admit to the lie.

I think about going to the front desk and tell them they have 2 hookers operating out of the 2 rooms they were in but I think better of it because I don't want to get officially involved (obviously)

So after much debating on where to go from there, I decided to go home, out $440 and nothing to show for it. I've been wondering when was the exact point she was planning to rob me, if it was when I left the room to get the full amount or if she'd been planning it all along. She sent me several selfies during the course of our conversations so I have high quality pictures of her real face. It's a shame too because we had such good interactions to begin with.

This is actually my first review on here so I hope it didn't bore anyone, I hope I got most of the major details in, and I hope it can serve as a warning to anyone else who might get the idea to see this girl. She said she's going on a break after this weekend and might not come back to escorting at all after so if not, at least it was a very good scam. This girl can lie with the best of them. Stay safe fellow hobbyists.
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Apr 21, 2016
I think this girl actually does have a great personality though up until this last time that I saw her. If she does somehow ever decide to meet me to give the money back, I'll let you guys know. And don't pm me asking for pics of Carmen or Lexi's real name because I'm not giving those out.


Feb 4, 2015
Sucks that that happened to you, and thanks for the warning.

Kind of LOL that you're still whiteknighting for them after they robbed you (won't give out name or pix).

So what if she robbed me of half a g, she has a great personality!

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
This when you should have sent her a text and told her to fuck off and went home. "I then tell her I can only do half an hour, and then she freaks out and says she cancelled clients for me. I tell her she made me wait an hour and a half and she goes alright, and gives me her room number."

My guess is she planned to rip you off right from the beginning and she had to get things set up that's why she kept pushing back the time. You should never have let her leave the room with the money either. I know I wouldn't have.
I read shit like this and that's why I do not see ladies from bp unless they are well known.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
If she does somehow ever decide to meet me to give the money back, I'll let you guys know.
You are living in a fucking dream world if you even think this would, could or might happen.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
Lol I'm new here, and still naive obviously. Although I'll definitely be more careful in the future now
It was an expensive way to learn though. Hopefully it won't happen again. Good luck in the future and welcome to terb.


Apr 21, 2016
I don't know Carmen, but I have had my eye on her for some time. The accusations are serious so I let her know what is being said. She's waiting for her account to activate so she can respond directly, but suffice to say she has a different interpretation of events.
Well let me know what she says.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
I don't know Carmen, but I have had my eye on her for some time. The accusations are serious so I let her know what is being said. She's waiting for her account to activate so she can respond directly, but suffice to say she has a different interpretation of events.
They always do but who to believe. There was one not to long ago, from Peterborough I think, that got on her to tell her side of the story and the thread got closed. She never posted again and she didn't get banned. I would believe a terb member before a basically unknown bp girl.

Mr. Piggy

Jul 4, 2007
I would believe a well respected TERB member with a large number of posts over several this case, both are unknowns to me.
The thing is she took off with $440 of this guys money. I don't care what her excuse is, she ripped him off and I hate bitches like that.


Feb 4, 2015
Anyone who takes an unvetted hooker's word over a terb member who can write in complete sentences is a fucking moron, but this should be interesting.


Apr 21, 2016
I'm not saying this is what she does normally, I already said I have had 3 great sessions with her before. Seemed like a great girl, and we got along great. This time however I'm out $440. I mean it's possible everything she said is true. That she had to go down to the front desk to deal with the situation and then she had to drive away from the hotel because her friends man was coming (lol). It doesn't make sense that her friend would kick me out though 30 minutes later because I had booked 2 hours with carmen
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