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Rob Ford a Hobbyist?


May 20, 2006
rubmeister100 said:
Things have come a long way in a short time from obviously offensive words like chink, slant eye, tojo, etc to the point where "oriental" is a bad word.
Funny how you could write out all these words, yet not write out the "n word" in all its glory. Why do you think that is?


Court jester
Mar 28, 2004
calloway said:
Ford is too cheap to be a true hobbyist... he would try to save money by cutting their services. :p
There's room for cheapskates in the hobby. In fact, if Ford was looking for discount prices, that may explain why he was checking out the NOW classifieds.


New member
Jul 17, 2003
rubmeister100 said:
Because it has become the "n word". "N-word" being a word with all the political coonotations of not saying the actual word.

I think the other words that I used are equally offensive as the word nigger.

The point of my post was that one could use the word "oriental" without knowing that it was offensive. Unlike the other wods that are clearly intended to be offensive.

But some folks are just waiting to be offended! Glad I could help!
Good point.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Meister said:
Rob Ford's use of the word 'Oriental' can only be explained by him being a hobbyist. [/url]
Great deduction there Sherlock!

I guess there's no other possible reason.


New member
Mar 7, 2005
I'm offended too: please everybody stop calling me European!

No really somebody please explain why being called an Oriental or from the Orient instead of Asian or Asia is now become offensive and worst of all compared to the N word?


Feb 9, 2002
Fabulous said:
I'm offended too: please everybody stop calling me European!

No really somebody please explain why being called an Oriental or from the Orient instead of Asian or Asia is now become offensive and worst of all compared to the N word?
Seriously. It's not like I'd be offended by being labeled Occidental. OK, a bit perplexed, since the West is usually subdivided into East/West Europe and America, but not offended.

Anyone from an asian/oriental country who is offended by those labels is too stupid to visit or live here, and should GTFO.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
Oriental is more precise than Asian. "Asian" properly refers to all people of Asia including Israelis, Palestinians, Iraqis, Kurds, Iranias, Indians, Turks, Pakistanis, Afghans, Russians east of the Ural mountain range, etc.

Oriental properly limits the description to the people of eastern asia (including their descendants around the world) such as the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese etc.

But when referring to people, the correct term remains "Mongoloid" as that denotes the race not the geographical region.

For the same reason Negro or Negroid is more precise than "African-American", since the adjective "African" properly includes the Arabs of the Saharan desert and Mediterranean region. If the term "Negroid" grates on your ear, you can use "Sub-Saharan African-Unitedstatesian" to describe those of Negro descent residing in the USA (African-American is incorrect as "America" includes the entire hemisphere and is not limited to the USA - for example, a fellow of Moroccan descent residing in Argentina can be described is an African-American as well).

As for whites, "Caucasian" is an unfortunate description, since it is rooted is the mythology drawn from the Japeth character in the tales and legends of the Old Testament.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'd wager that Ford is really Sheik....

or perhaps Rust Tromb[one].

As to the term oriental. I have a good friend who is Japanese and she regularly used the term "oriental" refering to herself.

It's just a word.

As to Ford. I still think he's a big fat goof the way he grandstands and it's kind of rich that he's in a bit of hot water these days himself.

big dogie

Active member
Jun 15, 2003
in a van down by the river
james t kirk said:
I'd wager that Ford is really Sheik....

or perhaps Rust Tromb[one].

So are you saying tat Rusty and Sheik are the same person....?


who is more pissed at that?


b d


New member
Jan 31, 2003
The word -oriental- is offensive ?

I guess that'd depend on whom you ask, regardless of their ethnic background.

My extended families ( from my previous marriage with a HK born Chinese ) as well as my circle of HK friends, along with a bunch from various Asian countries, never found the word " Oriental" to be offensive. And personally I feel the same way as they do about it.

But then, there may be some out there who feel differently for whatever reason there may be. IMO it definitely ain't the N-word for folks from - in older Euro terms - the Far East.

Meister said:
Rob Ford a Hobbyist?
Possibly :D


New member
Feb 28, 2007
the great ford debate was started by two white political opponents of fords who are out to get him for exposing their hypocracies.The petition that was used to foce an "apology" from him was instigated by Adam Vaughn another councilor for the city of toronto. I am thinking that if a large number of " orientals, asians, visible minorities " etc., were really pissed about his statement they would have gotten more than 250 signatures on a petition.

That said Ford is a loose cannon engages mouth prior to brain and says what he thinks he means. Unfortunatly for mr ford what he thinks he means and what he actually says are to entirely different things at times.

There was a rumour out last mo th about ford running for mayor, this causes me to wonder just how bad is david millar as mayor that this rumour can even get started. Whats left of my mind boggles.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
eagle1man said:
Funny how you could write out all these words, yet not write out the "n word" in all its glory. Why do you think that is?

My Cantonese is virtually non existent, but when I'm in China i really get a kick out of listening to a locals conversation when they use the "N-Word" as you call it. Seems that's the word for " this" or "that" I'm not sure, but I do get a chuckle.

yes, yes, i am evil. But i do love to poke fun at political correctness.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
With Regards to the word "Oriental"

Maybe Ford is getting his isight here:

I guess TERB had better inform TOED that their business is no longer welcome until they change their name to Toronto "Asian" Escorts.
Sep 11, 2006
I am not sure about Ford but several months ago I was reading an article concerning Harper meeting the Dali Lama in his office. In the article he was quoted as saying he was proud of meeting the Dali Lama and thought it would be improper "to sneak off to a hotel to meet a callgirl" (not an exact quote - working from memory)

I remember thinking "did he really say that? Maybe he just see another side to him"

Although the stiff probably would only shake the callgirl's hand like he sees his kids off to school!!!:D
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