RIP BLUE Jays obituary


Jan 18, 2005
been fun while it lasted, favourite memories were the late 80s team and til 94 team....Even the late 90s team were fun to watch too bad the young pitching didn't catch up right away or that would have been an amazing teams.

They should just relocate this team, just get an expansion team that might actually revitalize the fans with new ownership and maybe a new stadium

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
For a city that has put up with the Leafs for all this time, patience sure is thin for a team that won two championships within the lifetime of anyone old enough to be on this forum.
Truer words were never spoken.

Amen to that!


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
For a city that has put up with the Leafs for all this time, patience sure is thin for a team that won two championships within the lifetime of anyone old enough to be on this forum.
Thats because this is a Leaf town, not a sports or even a hockey town. Their decades of screw ups are easily forgiven and forgotten. Not so with any other sports franchise, they win, the fans fill the seats and hoot and holler, a few losing seasons and its meh who cares about them.

Although I feel bad for Jays fans as their ownership uses the club merely as a front to push digital boxes and cell phones, but having said that who else would be willing to step in and buy this franchise right now, with the idea of actually keeping it in Toronto?

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
Not Forgiven

That's because this is a Leaf town, not a sports or even a hockey town. Their decades of screw ups are easily forgiven and forgotten.
That's not true at all. The decades of screw up are a sign of a disgusting franchise with total disdain for their fan base. I, and my friends, have not watched a leaf game, gone to a game or have bought so much as a bumper sticker in over 25 years. We refuse to support a franchise that only wants our $ and not the commitment to win anything. Anyone else who supports this festering mess of lies and deceit is totally delusional. I wish North American sports leagues had relegation. The Leafs wouldn't even be in the 2nd division.


The Jays have to put a competitive team in the same division with New York and Boston. They have done so and won 2 world series titles. They keep working on putting a dignified franchise on the field with the resources that they have. The Leafs have unlimited resources and have no excuse for their putrid record of winning.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
That's not true at all. The decades of screw up are a sign of a disgusting franchise with total disdain for their fan base. I, and my friends, have not watched a leaf game, gone to a game or have bought so much as a bumper sticker in over 25 years. We refuse to support a franchise that only wants our $ and not the commitment to win anything. Anyone else who supports this festering mess of lies and deceit is totally delusional. I wish North American sports leagues had relegation. The Leafs wouldn't even be in the 2nd division.


The Jays have to put a competitive team in the same division with New York and Boston. They have done so and won 2 world series titles. They keep working on putting a dignified franchise on the field with the resources that they have. The Leafs have unlimited resources and have no excuse for their putrid record of winning.
Thats great that you and your friends boycott the Leafs, but let me ask you, why is that building consistently full? anyone who drops their season ticket, that same ticket will be picked up instantly!!! The trouble with sports fans is that they act individually and hardly ever collectively meanwhile MLSE is always laughing all the way to the bank.

And can we stop this idea that the Jays dont have the resources, they do have the resources its called Rogers, dont anyone try to tell me they have less money than John Henry and the Steinbrenner family. Its that they arent willing to spend is the real truth. You want to play big boy baseball?, fine the entry fee is somewhere around $150 million and thats just the way it is.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
And can we stop this idea that the Jays dont have the resources, they do have the resources its called Rogers, dont anyone try to tell me they have less money than John Henry and the Steinbrenner family. Its that they arent willing to spend is the real truth. You want to play big boy baseball?, fine the entry fee is somewhere around $150 million and thats just the way it is.
I heard that on the Fan590 from Bob McCown also. So is life in the American League East.


Dec 17, 2008
And can we stop this idea that the Jays dont have the resources, they do have the resources its called Rogers, dont anyone try to tell me they have less money than John Henry and the Steinbrenner family. Its that they arent willing to spend is the real truth. You want to play big boy baseball?, fine the entry fee is somewhere around $150 million and thats just the way it is.
Exactly! Either put up, or shut up. That's why they will never compete
with those heavyweight spenders until the Wallet opens.

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009
What they'll notice

That's great that you and your friends boycott the Leafs, but let me ask you, why is that building consistently full? anyone who drops their season ticket, that same ticket will be picked up instantly!!! The trouble with sports fans is that they act individually and hardly ever collectively meanwhile MLSE is always laughing all the way to the bank.

And can we stop this idea that the Jays dont have the resources, they do have the resources its called Rogers, don't anyone try to tell me they have less money than John Henry and the Steinbrenner family. Its that they aren't willing to spend is the real truth. You want to play big boy baseball?, fine the entry fee is somewhere around $150 million and that's just the way it is.
Ted Rogers wanted to win a World Series before he died. He wanted to enjoy that moment of achievement and show the world that if Turner and Steinbrenner can do it in the States, it can be done in Canada as well. He bought 80% of the team (the seller, Interbrew S.A. kept 20% in order to keep some $) and was dedicated to win. Sadly, his passing came before that World Series title. Now, a Board of Directors is in his place as the decision makers. The CEO is no longer the driving force alone.

The resources are clearly there. The Jays also know that they're not the Oakland A's or the Minnesota Twins. Both teams are in smaller markets and can be competitive with smaller budgets and grittier style of baseball management.

Painfully aware as well, are the Jays when it comes to attendance figures. They are full well aware that a good team puts more people in the seats. At this point, from a fiscal stand point, they are trying to mold a winning team through smart trades and their minor league system (not a bad plan but requiring much patience). In order to compete with the big boys, they DO need to spend the big bucks but are unwilling to do so unless they see a playoff spot on the very close horizon. It is very indicative of a much conservative (Canadian) attitude in running a team. Running in a team is not like running a business; just because you're in the black doesn't mean you're the best in your field.

The Leafs have a fan base of blind, brainless sheep and they like it that way. They just want to wave their hand and say: "we're trying to win, sure, yeah, that's right". Then the suits that run the circus go into their cushy back rooms, drink their cognac, look at the crowd and say: "Look at these idiots! We keep selling them feces and vomit and they keep buying it because they think this year will turn into 1967 for them. So long as we keep telling them that it will, they keep buying our shlock".

Then they all toast their cognac and check their bank accounts from the Caribbean.

If anyone in Toronto wants to see a good leafs team, turn your back on them. That's the only thing they'll notice.

The Jays already know they need their fan base to grow. Now they have to spend the $ to do it. The Blue Jays hold the major league record for attendance. They can do it again if they spend their budget wisely.


Jan 18, 2005
Rogers will not open their vault to spend they will do so half ass, just to appease fans every year they use a spiel the jays can't compete with yankees and redsox. Make it sound that jays are small market team. The fucking team just needed couple of power hitters 2 years ago instead they cut their payroll. I really hope their average attedance is 10,000-15,000 nothing more people should be boycotting this team. Knowing jays track record of trading for bonafide prospect they will be an excellent fringe players.

As incompetent the leafs were in Harold Ballard days the leafs were in top 5 spending in the 90s up to prior to lock out


Jan 18, 2005
Yes, but the Leafs have always been number one in revenue-generated. The Jays are nowhere near the top in revenue.
how can you generate revenue when every year the GM or president will say we can't compete with the yankees or redsox.

As horrible as the leafs were they were making the playoffs except during the JFJ era. Atleast give hope they can make some sort of run in the playoffs


as in " you are such a "
Feb 16, 2003
Wherever I shouldn't be
how can you generate revenue when every year the GM or president will say we can't compete with the yankees or redsox.
The Jays can never generate revenue like the Sox and the Evil Empire. The reason is that broadcast rights fees don't compare. Even if that dump they play in was full every game, they still can't compete in revenue generation. That said, if there's hope, the fans will eventually come back, but it won't happen overnight. They can compete on the field, and they are taking the correct approach. Unfortunately, the correct approach is meaningless without execution. They need to scout and develop players better than the competition before they will be able to compete on the diamond. Recently, they have not.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
For a city that has put up with the Leafs for all this time, patience sure is thin for a team that won two championships within the lifetime of anyone old enough to be on this forum.
The Leafs have made the final four, three times since the Jays made the playoffs.

That being said I am fine with the full rebuild approach... the major problem though is that attendance will plummet to near Expos like levels, and ownership may not be committed to increasing payroll when this team is ready to make its move.


Mar 17, 2008
Thats because this is a Leaf town, not a sports or even a hockey town. Their decades of screw ups are easily forgiven and forgotten. Not so with any other sports franchise, they win, the fans fill the seats and hoot and holler, a few losing seasons and its meh who cares about them.

Although I feel bad for Jays fans as their ownership uses the club merely as a front to push digital boxes and cell phones, but having said that who else would be willing to step in and buy this franchise right now, with the idea of actually keeping it in Toronto?
One quote but two points to be made here.

#1 - Can someone please refresh my memory.

What was name of the original owners of the Toronto MLB club and what was (and still is) their best selling product ??

# 2 - The T dot isn't as big a market to those looking at it from south of the 49th parallel and it is to those living in the middle of it. Just ask cousin Lou from the Bronx or South Boston Joey and see what they think.

Toronto doesn't compare as well as you might think to some of the other (lesser, smaller, more undesirable) locations in the American League because, to put it bluntly, "at least they are in the United States."

This is an opinion that I'm sure that Jays management has had to deal with many times with many of the draft picks & free agents that they have tried to sign over the years.

Why do you think that they so quick to develop their Latin American scouting staff ??


New member
Nov 16, 2001
Exactly! Either put up, or shut up. That's why they will never compete
with those heavyweight spenders until the Wallet opens.
At this point, opening up the wallet would likely just be a waste of money.
The Jays can never afford the huge payroll of the Yankees.
The Jays need to have a solid foundation including some affordable players in order to make a legitimate run otherwise they would just be wasting the money.

They made a legitimate attempt in recent years but had some tough breaks with injuries and under-performers.

When they feel like they are a couple of key free agents away from having a legitimate shot, they will take it, but they will need to have some very good young affordable talent in the mix.


Jan 18, 2005
The Leafs have made the final four, three times since the Jays made the playoffs.

That being said I am fine with the full rebuild approach... the major problem though is that attendance will plummet to near Expos like levels, and ownership may not be committed to increasing payroll when this team is ready to make its move.
how the fuck do you go full rebuild when to begin with your team was never in contention for the last 8 years? After the gord ash era the jays did a full rebuild and during that time no players from the jays roster has made an impact during and if some of you clowns that thinks lind/hill are impact players well i guess last season then.


Jan 18, 2005
At this point, opening up the wallet would likely just be a waste of money.
The Jays can never afford the huge payroll of the Yankees.
The Jays need to have a solid foundation including some affordable players in order to make a legitimate run otherwise they would just be wasting the money.

They made a legitimate attempt in recent years but had some tough breaks with injuries and under-performers.

When they feel like they are a couple of key free agents away from having a legitimate shot, they will take it, but they will need to have some very good young affordable talent in the mix.
Prior to AJ opting out the jays has the best pitching staff in baseball with lousy hitting, why can't those rogers clowns open the wallet then to take the team to the next level and don't say we couldn't compete the yankees and redsox cuz jays pitching were far superiors than theirs. baseball building cycle is not 3-4 years it should take atleast 7 years( 3-4 years for players to develop and 3 years in the majors before they can really make an impact. I really hope they fucking get rid of the current ownership or get this team out of this city

Can you honestly see supporting this fucking team for another 7 years of losing season?


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
The Blue Jays hold the major league record for attendance.

The Colorado Rockies hold the Single Season Attendance record: 4,483,350 (1993).

The Toronto Blue Jays hold the American League S.S.A record: 4,057,947 (1993).


pencilneckgeek since 2006
Mar 21, 2008
What was name of the original owners of the Toronto MLB club and what was (and still is) their best selling product ??
The original owners of the Toronto Blue Jays were :

Labatt Breweries, Imperial Trust Limited and The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Both Labatt Breweries and Imperial Trust each controlled 45% of the team. The C.I.B.C. had the other 10% of the club. Imperial Trust was a holding company set up by the late R. Howard Webster, who was instrumental in the granting of the franchise in 1976.

The Webster family maintained their share of the ownership until selling their 45% to Labatt in November, 1991. The ownership then consisted of John Labatt Limited, 90% and Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, 10%.

In June of 1995 John Labatt Limited was purchased by Interbrew S.A., Belgium's leading brewer.

In September of 2000, Rogers Communications Inc. purchased 80% control of the franchise. John Labatt Limited (Interbrew) maintained a 20% interest while The Canadian Imperial Back of Commerce relinquished their stake.

In January of 2004 Rogers Communications Inc. acquired the remaining 20% of the Club. Rogers Communications Inc. now owns 100% of the Toronto Blue Jays Baseball Club.

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