The One Spa

Review: Viking

altar ego

Sep 11, 2002
I'm going to keep this short, even though I just spent a week and about 10K at Viking. I extended my stay by two days once I got there...

Bottom line: there is no comparison between Viking and other experiences, provided that quality is what you value over quantity (don't get me wrong - there is as much as you like at Viking, it just costs more to go there)

To the people who responded to the earlier threads looking for a group to go, saying we were crazy because we could get laid at the Palace in Sosua much cheaper:

You are correct, but the Palace is a whorehouse - no better, kinder word is appropriate, and you can have it :)

There are absolutely stunning girls in the DR, and I met a few of them, but you won't find them at places like the Palace, or pick them up on the street!

The girls at Viking are unbelievable, genuine, beautiful and friendly. They are not pros. I don't know how Dean finds them, but God bless him!

When I get my shit together from the trip, I'll be happy to answer any PMs or emails about it.
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And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
I forget when and who, but can someone refresh our collective memory on the plan to return to this place on a group trip? Or was it a different but similar resort?

Anyone have plans to check this place out in the near future?
Aug 1, 2002
I know there are several of these resorts scattered around in all those nice tropical island countries but I heard that the Viking Resort is not only the most expensive, but it is the best. I also heard most of the girls are Eastern Euro's but I was wondering if you get unlimited access to each and every girl???

Did your 10 grand only get you a select few or anyone you possibly wanted???



altar ego

Sep 11, 2002

There are several girls to choose from, and different girls are free when different people arrive. You don't get to choose someone else's girl.

While I was there, several people changed, but I did not. This was a mistake, but not because the other girls were better. Like I said, these girls are not pros and are only there for a month each. Some things are possible and unfortunately do happen that should not.

Yes, all of the girls are Eastern European and beautiful, BUT Dean also has the cream of the Dominican girls available to him and can bring in those girls on request or to expand your choices.

The trip that was recently discussed was taken last week by two of us board members. I won't speak for Eatdipus Rex but I was blown away by the experience. My criteria for next time (and there will be a next time) will be to go for a shorter visit and pick a girl there is less of a connection with, if that makes any sense.

To repeat...WOW.


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
Does anyone have a SERIOUS interest in checking this place out in January? A group of 4 people on the standard 4 day trip is $US 3500 each, with a VIP Upgrade for one person. The resort is willing to "negotiate" this upgrade away in trade for something that the group can split equitably.

A group of 3 people is $US 3900 each for the same time period, but everyone gets upgraded to the better villa accommodations.

I wouldnt go by myself, but a group might be worth it. PM if you have an interest.


New member
Aug 21, 2001
S.W. Ont.
Alter Ego,

Have you (or any one else) tried / considered the following resort:

On either Margarita Isl, or the one in the Dominican?

Just a question, looks good, girls look good, and Everything seems to be included.

altar ego

Sep 11, 2002
Yes, I checked out AAV. So had everyone else who was at Viking - I think we all just went with what we considered the safe bet. Anyway, I like European girls much better :)

The Margarita Island resort has almost all Venezuelan girls, and the Dominican AAV resort isn't up and running yet, or wasn't over the summer.

And Muffin Muncher: you can't be sure of getting a double ever - the girls are changing all the time but are mostly not bi and it's not easy to arrange one. I traded in most of my supposed extras and upgrades for a better rate when I extended my stay. The massages were great though, real masseuse(s) available to come on site.

The resort is right next to Breezes, which just opened its casino - not bad.


Apr 8, 2002
OK, I've had (too much) time to consider my review of Viking. Altar Ego and I went together mid August, and our experiences varied widely. I am particularly fond of latin girls, and had let Viking know this months in advance (as Viking do sometimes bring in Latin girls).
I originally arranged to take the "Executive Retreat" package because of the "perks" - including an upgrade to VIP Villa, two girl session, and massage for 2, and the cost was the same as the "regular" stay, except that it was only available for Sunday thru Thursday. It didn't matter to me, as I was going to be in the DR for a week anyway (all direct flights are vacation charters, for a week return).
The problem was that 5 other guys arrived for the "regular" stay on the Saturday. So, we arrived on the Sunday with a choice of only 2 girls available. Choice of the right girl is essential for a good stay, unless you decide that you're going to trade for a new girl each day. However, you can only trade daily, if one or other of the other guys also trade (as there are only the 7 girls for 7 guys - sounds like a movie title!!).
As altar ego had already hoped to be with one of the two that were available, and had already begun chatting her up by the time I arrived on the scene, I effectively had a choice of one! and frankly, although very pretty and nice, she was not the sexy beast that I was hoping to tame!
I also admit that I had some other emotional baggage that affected my enjoyment of those first few days.
On our last night at Viking a G O R G E O U S Dominican girl arrived. I went to the owner and asked if she was available. She was, (she had been brought in as an 8th guy was arriving that day) but as I was already there I had preference - and exercised it right away, and traded my Russian girl. The other thing you need to know is that the Russian girls are friends, so if you dump one you may be treated like a shit! But with my little latina, and me leaving the next day, I didn't care. But the Russian girls can be pretty intimidating together!
The latinas brought in by Viking are not the local whores - low cost, quick f**ks, - but are well educated, university students, with excellent English (and pretty great French!!), and are brought in through a modelling agency.
Well, I had the best possible time with this beauty, and asked if I could pay for her to join me at the hotel for the next two nights (which we arranged). Although I had to have another (Dominican) girl for the Friday. I was still very happy with these two girls.
So, why am I not as pleased as altar ego? Well, we never did get the upgrade to the VIP villa - which is significantly bigger and better than the older original villa. The older villa is the central point and dining area - so all the cooking smells, exterior doors open (makes the place like a furnace, other than the air-conditioned bedrooms), noisy parties most nights often until 4am. We also never got the 2 girl session (there weren't any bi girls who would offer it). So we got a (good) massage as our Executive upgrade.
But if we had taken the Saturday to Wednesday regular package we would have had virtually the same but with a choice of 7 girls on arrival, not 2.
Would I go back? Probably not. The cost of US$4,900 plus US$1,050 for the additional nights, C$750 airfare, US$225 for 3 nights hotel, and US$400 for the (virtually essential tip of US$100 per day for the girls). Total - a little over C$10,000. I think that booking into a really good all inclusive resort (approx C$4,000 for 2, including airfare), and then hire the (Dominican) girl of your choice for a week (about US$2,000 or less), or even take one with you, would cost 1/2 the amount for twice the pleasure.
Oh yes, and those guys who did hold on to their girls for the week - experienced some real emotional turmoil when they did finally leave.
I agree that the local scene is pretty scuzzy, and the Sosua Palace is a low rent brothel - I know I spent one evening there, and arranged for an over night "take out" - for a total cost of just over US$200. I enjoyed the experience, but it cannot compare with the luxury and class (or the quality of girls) at Viking.
I'm still trying to decide whether I could enjoy the experience better next time, knowing what I know, and going in with a better game-plan (and maybe a latina or two!!?).



New member
Aug 21, 2001
S.W. Ont.

Have u thought about AAV at all? They are all inclusive, their site says no gifts and no tiping allowed (but who knows) and they are now offering 1 night with 2 girls.

Their price seems quite a bit lower, and includes deep sea fishing (with your girl), a limo at your disposal, and a multitude of other things to do, again all included.

Check out the site and see! Oh btw, with the live help chat there, I was given a Hamilton (905) phone # to call (collect) to find out more. This resort is run by Canadians and Americans!


New member
Aug 19, 2003
Toronto (North York)
guys whydon't you just go to the sourse if you are into Russians? check out for'll save a lot plus it'll be way more exotic than boring


Apr 8, 2002
I have spoken to the guy in Hamilton re AAV. At the time he was still negotiating re the Dominican, so only the Margarita Island resort was available. The price is a lot lower, but the pictures of the rooms (and some of the girls) puts it in a very different class to Viking.
I'm going to Cuba for a few days at the end of this month, so will check out that action.
Play[er] Boy
Of course, in my case, going to the Dominican IS going to the source (of the latinas that I prefer). Certainly having semi naked (or naked) beauties around you, basking in the sun all day, is infinitely better than spending time in Russia, or even Toronto with Russians!! At least it was the last time I Czeched!!

altar ego

Sep 11, 2002
Hi Eatdipus - glad you are able to post again :)

Thanks for blowing the whistle on me - and yes there were some emotional issues on leaving. It's one thing to fall for an escort, haven't we all to some degree? It's quite another when she's not a pro and does the same. Not fun.

I would consider a group trip to AAV as well as back to Viking.

I've tried to be objective in my review, and I would definitely go back, but when the lightning bolt hits you within 10 minutes of arrival, what can you do?! I didn't want or consider any of the other girls.

Also, I found the fact that the girls were friends to be really neat. I felt like I was hanging with several beautiful girls most of the time (and I was) and there was a whole lot of flirting going on! Most of the girls did not know each other when they got there (all were from Kiev though as I recall the week I was there) but it is only natural that they would get together a bit. It's a tough thing for them to do in a great many ways.

Please PM re future trips - I'm interested in a January trip and am already setting money aside!
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