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Review Summer at Michener


Senior Member
A week or so ago had a short visit with summer from Michener in Guelph.
Had read a few reviews of her so I called over to see if she was available. Bingo and off I went.
I was greeted by a very pleasant youngish lady who said she is Summer. She later told me she is 26. She looks much younger to me. She said she sometimes get asked for ID.
Anyway went into a clean smelling room and was asked what I was looking for. I asked for the hour session but was told she had another booking and wouldn't be able to handle a full hour. I said fine and settled for the half hour of time he had available. $40 for the room fee was asked for and given.
I then asked what was available for services and she said tipping was up to $100 for the full BR. I said sure and then went off for a shower. She said she would listen for the door when I was done.
After sitting there for 5 minutes or so Summer came back and began to disrobe. She is a short little thing but also very cute and smiled during most of our visit together. Started of with a so-so massage on my back. Not much ass play ( I would have liked that ) but did work my hips a bit and that felt good in itself. After maybe 7 minutes of this I was asked if I wanted to massage her now. Sure, who wouldn't ! She first lay on her stomach and the view of her ass was spectacular. She has a great butt and the kitty was so sweet to see poking up at me. She has a very pretty pussy and I enjoyed some play with it as well YMMV. Stash junior was starting to take notice so for the next 5 minutes or so that was his main focus. I asked her to flip and was greeted by a very flat tummy and smallish breasts. Very small actually. I am not criticizing but mentioning what was seen. She actually made a comment herself about their small size. I told her she was still very beautiful and don't fret it.
She asked if I was ready for more massage and of course I was ! She asked about lotion or oil of powder and I made my choice. The next bit of massage was done in too fast a manner so I asked for a slower type massage. She said sure and then kept her pace to a more pleasant speed for me anyway. She was using various parts of her body to massage and rub me while straddling me on the table for the BR section of the massage. A little talk was used to help Stash Junior to feel the mood and caused him to show her his gratitude.
I feel the whole visit was worth while and also was impressed by Summer's very nice attitude and personality.
Plus that little ass is just sweet enough to see again


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
Luv Natural Redheads
Nice review Stash. Summer seems to be receiving mixed reviews... but it's obvious that you and Indy both love petite women with little asses. Okay... I do as well.

So she didn't talk about dead cats this time? :p
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