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Review: Sabrina "brunette bombshell"


New member
May 21, 2014

number- 613-909-69*9 "brunette bombshell"

This is my first time giving a review so go easy on me, ha. I've been a young hobbyist for years and seen a bunch of girls and figure i start contributing by giving reviews. The link above is for sabrina. My rule of thumb is if the pic looks too good to be true, it is. Or, if i can;t find any ads associated with the number chances that it's a fake is more probable. Any number that starts with 909 or 417 is usually from a text me App so remember that. I messaged her for the rates and it was the standard 140 for the half.

I asked her if she was the person in the pics and she assured me that she was and went out of her way to send me another pic. i told her i had bad experiences with fakes and that if she wasnt the person in the pic I would tell her to leave. She assured me i wouldn't be disappointed. she ends up buzzing me and coming to my place and she's nothing like the pictures, lol. She's definitely not the petit white girl advertised in the pic, instead She's a moroccan from mtl with Double D tits that's curvy (not fat). At this point I was horny and just let her in. She was very mechanical and kept telling me to go slow because my d*** was too big and that she didn't want to do missionary, so i just finished quickly. My point is why post fake pics? It's not like she was ugly, I don't understand why she couldn't use her own pictures- if she didn't want to show her face at least use body shots.

Body- i'd say 8/10 (that's if you like curvy girs, again not fat i'd say she's 130
Repeat- Probably not, too mechanical, didn't seem like she was enjoying it because "my d*** was too big"


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Thx for the review. Can you include a permanent link or at least write the full phone number and we will do it for you. You should have posted in the Review section.

Mods, can you please move this review to the Review section. thnx.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
My point is why post fake pics? It's not like she was ugly, I don't understand why she couldn't use her own pictures- if she didn't want to show her face at least use body shots.
She uses fake pix because guys still take her like you did. No offense, but if that keeps happening, there's no downside for a subpar provider. Just saying.

Don't get me wrong, your review is appreciated.

She is also shown to have stolen pix...somewhere, I can't remember exactly where.

EDIT: found it four posts below LOL:
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