Toronto Escorts

Review of Paige


New member
Aug 7, 2007
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is episode 18 of this year's journey of 43.

I like women. I like like the way they look at you, the way they smell, the touch of their skin, the sparkle in their eyes, the silky hair, and of course, their secondary sexual characteristics. Now, I appreciate a wide range of "types" but I really like women that could be considered of "generous" proportions. I am not talking fat, rather, healthy women with breasts, thighs, padded ass, and a general roundness.

So, imagine my absolute delight when Paige walked into my room.

With apologies to Paige, I called on the day of the appointment (late afternoon) and we arranged to meet for two hours. She was friendly on the phone and made me feel that she was looking forward to meeting me.

She is beautiful. Lovely warm hazel eyes, long brown hair, soft skin, large natural breasts, a round bottom, pierced belly button and clitoris were all part of the package. If however, you are looking for a spinner, keep looking - this is a woman. A woman that I felt very comfortable with and felt that I could escape everything for a couple of hours.

She doesn't kiss and I missed that, but she stokes the fires in other ways. I loved my time down below - fresh, clean and tasty. I really enjoyed her dildo show and her obvious enjoyment. I has as hard as I remember and the first round was delicious.

We talked about all sorts of things and I felt as if I got to know something about her - as a person rather than just an "appointment". This made our next round even more passionate and I loved being buried in her breasts - in fact this is how I want to go - in the saddle with my face buried in scented female flesh.

Paige is a lovely woman. I would love to see her again if I go back to Windsor and we talked about her coming to Ottawa. She treats your very well. If you desire some companionship that is girlfriend-like with a full featured woman, I recommend Paige.
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