Toronto Escorts

Review: Niki at Jasmine's


Apr 6, 2006
I had the pleasure of visiting Niki at Jasmine's studio the other day. Mid-30's I'd guess, long strawberry blonde hair, petite, nice figure, well-proportioned. She was quite pleasant and easy to get to know. Charming and a delightful tease in the shower.

Her massage was light pressure, mostly using her fingertips. If her repetoire includes a broader range of techniques, I didn't get a chance to experience them. But then, with her teasing was pleasing it didn't take long before massage was the last thing on my mind! I offered to change places for reverse, but she suggested a body slide first. Glad I said yes ... the slide was exquisite! And gave me a chance to watch in the mirror. She was a lovely sight!

We changed places for reverse, and I believe she quite enjoyed her turn. Another switch, and she teased me to a toe-curling and explosive finish.

Repeat: definitely

Not to discount Niki’s innate talent or prior experience, Jasmine also deserves kudos for her recruiting skills, training methods, and high standards.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts