Toronto Escorts

Review Jolee Yum Yum Yo


Senior Member
Hey Everyone on the contributing side here we go. Recently had an outcall session with Jolee.
Now I had seen Jolee once before while she was at ASA. All was good that time. So I thought I'd give her a call and see if she would do an outcall to my location. She agreed and we made the date.
So on party night we do a confirm thing and she mentions all is good for later. Cool. So about an hour before the arrival time I notice an email from her saying that a last minute thing has come up and we may need to cancel. Shit ! She was very genuine and I replied " hey no biggy " we'll reschedule.
She was very apologetic and I knew it was a last minute thing. Hey they happen right ? She said that before we cancel let her try one more thing to see if we can work it out. Sure. so don't cha know it she gets it arranged and we are still on. I thought her effort to still make " it ' happen was very professional and down right nice/decent. She knew how disappointing it can be for us horny devils, and didn't want that.....very cool :) I gave no pressure at all and she still went out of her way to accommodate out appointment. SOoooooooooooooooooo

She arrives on time even !! I asked to dress casually in jeans etc. One small exception though.......I asked her to wear some nice panties and bra. You know, like Xmas wrapping for big boys. Big boys....nice toys....ya know. Anyway after some very nice small talk in the kitchen and a beverage provided we went to the room of pleasure. Now as I said Jolee and I had seen each other once before. But that was a while ago. She looked just as good as the first time. Maybe even better because of these surroundings. Nice low light soft music etc. You know some ambience !
So onto the bed we plunk still clothed. Some nice Kisses and cuddles and STASH JR comes to life from his long winter sleep. I begin to open my present bit by bit to reveal a very lovely girl underneath. Jolee has very soft skin and toughing her was a most sensual experience. She reacted just the way you would want, light moans and soft purrs. A real lady. I enjoy touching a lovely lady before devouring her later...just me. Well when I got the majority of her clothes off there was a very nice set of matching panties and bra. just like requested. She commented on how she heard that request, and certainly didn't disappoint. She looked great let me tell ya.
Onto more kissing and fondling. A real GFE lady for me that night. and that is exactly what I wanted this time. Someone who would come over and be more of a GFE thing than and wham bam gal. Maybe Jolee could do that as well, don't know. What I do know is that she was very accommodating to every request I had. She followed my lead perfectly and provided a very fun relaxed easy going time.
I know you want some juicy stuff right ?
Okay here's a little. After getting her bra off I tasted her pert nipples. They were like the ripest fruit and responded nicely. They are beautiful and not at all saggy. Cup size ? Who the hell knows, enough that my big mouth couldn't enjoy them all at once, there, that big. Gotta know the exact size still, ask Jolee, she may tell you. To continue. So it's on to the kitty land love centre. Oh man !
Clean shaven and clean clean clean. Impeccable hygene. Very pretty pussy. Super tasty and very responsive. everything all men want, yummy good boys. After some nice Daty she reciprocated with a nice BBBJ . It was so good I could only take 5-7 min. I had to get her to stop....or pop ! Next out. All good here too. Relaxed and willing to do anything I wanted. Although that was nothing out of the ordinary.
All in all I WILL repeat often with often as the sheckle's will allow anyway

Jolee is real treat and you guys better be nice to her ! of course guys it always YMMV. But my hunch is if you are nice to Jolee , a good time is going to be had. It was for me.
Damage 160 hr
Attitude 10
Hygiene perfect...cleaner you can't be.... so was I by the way
Skills 10
Rate 10 Very reasonable for what YOU get
Call of duty 11.5 She could have bailed, but didn't

Repeat...oh ya.....when ?????


New member
Dec 3, 2005
Thank you soooo much STASH for the wonderful comments! I too had a wonderful evening and I am so glad I was able to rearrange things and come on over! I am extremely looking forward to our next encounter!
Kisses and Licks
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