Review: Hailey (Ottawa Sun AD)


New member
Nov 3, 2003
Saw Hailey this week. AVOID. Now I understand that SP's have bad days blah, blah. But this really sucked.
She's not bad looking-7/10
And not bad body also 7 or 8/10
But it goes down hill after that. I asked on the phone if she offered greek she said, no,but said and I quote "Don't worry, you'll have a very good time"
OK what the hell.

She is located in the westend. I get there, no chit chat or anything. She leads me to a room and say "Take your clothes off. I 'll be right back." I'm thinking this could be fun, she's a take charge kinda girl.
Well, she comes backs we lay on the bed and start petting each other and I start sucking her tits. Everything is going well and then she lays down the ground rules.....not msog, not daty and get this, no positions;just missionary.
WTF. I've gotta bit of a buzz on, and I've already paid so I'm like WTF, I bang away in missionary for a good 20 mins, crack my nut and leave.

What a big letdown. Like I said, she really isn't bad lookign and has a nice little really COULD have been fun.
100 bucks for the half/hour. Par for the course for Sun girls I guess.


New member
Jan 17, 2005
reminds me of a story....

Many years ago the missionary used to be a respected position (within the society).

Now a days - it is just a position.... :p
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