I went to this "strip club" back in May, sorry for the delay but things have been hectic.
I've heard a few different names for this place, so I'll just refere to it as "The Cabaret". Its a good hours drive but if you are looking for a for sure FS strip club this is the place to go. Just to set your expectations, you have to be buzzed in by the bouncer. So while they don't have to know you, if they don't like the look of you your not getting in. Cover is something like $2-$3, and beer is around $5-$6.
Most girls will ask you upfront what you want in the back but some will play coy and wait for a lap dance to go by before asking you...save yourself the $20 and be forward about it.
When I was there I think I saw a girl named ?Caroline?. I do remember she was petite 5'2, 110 lbs, 22-23 yrs old, brunette. Great attitude and very very cute. Top notch BJ.
I can't remember the costs for services, but I remember the prices were very reasonable. Can somebody else fill in the costs?
Anyways, I'd recommend it only if you are bored, head out early, and have some extra gas you don't mind parting with.
If your interest, copy and paste "http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=3330770841036344589,45.622667,-74.595312&saddr=Ottawa,+ON&daddr=45.622667,-74.595312&sll=45.622675,-74.597651&sspn=0.00529,0.01369&doflg=ptk&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=10"
I've heard a few different names for this place, so I'll just refere to it as "The Cabaret". Its a good hours drive but if you are looking for a for sure FS strip club this is the place to go. Just to set your expectations, you have to be buzzed in by the bouncer. So while they don't have to know you, if they don't like the look of you your not getting in. Cover is something like $2-$3, and beer is around $5-$6.
Most girls will ask you upfront what you want in the back but some will play coy and wait for a lap dance to go by before asking you...save yourself the $20 and be forward about it.
When I was there I think I saw a girl named ?Caroline?. I do remember she was petite 5'2, 110 lbs, 22-23 yrs old, brunette. Great attitude and very very cute. Top notch BJ.
I can't remember the costs for services, but I remember the prices were very reasonable. Can somebody else fill in the costs?
Anyways, I'd recommend it only if you are bored, head out early, and have some extra gas you don't mind parting with.
If your interest, copy and paste "http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&geocode=3330770841036344589,45.622667,-74.595312&saddr=Ottawa,+ON&daddr=45.622667,-74.595312&sll=45.622675,-74.597651&sspn=0.00529,0.01369&doflg=ptk&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=10"
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