Toronto Escorts

Review Courtney (visting from Toronto)


New member
Oct 10, 2007
I recently booked an apointment with Courtney who was visiting Ottawa a couple of weeks ago. I heard good things about her in the Toronto section of Terb, so I decided to take the plunge.
Courtney was an hour late but Nicole (Garden of Eden escorts) contacted me a couple of hours before to postpone my apointment (ok things happen...).
The hotel was decent and downtown (good), and Courtney greeted me at the door with a thin fabric short dress, and she was cute in it. Courtney is petite which is my style for now :) with a nice body (breasts a bit, just a bit "tired") and a pretty face with baby blue eyes and blond hair.

We chatted a bit and then she was waiting for me to make the first move. I waited and then decided to go for it even though I like a "professional" to make the first move and not me. And I think that is the reason of my big so and so experience with Courtney. I found that she was always waiting for me to lead and I don't want that because I can have that with a regular GF. I want more action from a "professional", and I did not get it.
Plus, I found her technique (or a lack fot it for that matter) in BBBJ to be less than average: she would hold Mr Happy still in her mouth and look at me with her beautiful eyes. What was that? Afterwards I thought she was probably stoned a bit... ball sucking left a lot to be desired also even though I took a shower before and I am shaved down there (so no reason for her to underperform in that area). I had to tell her exactly how to do it...She is young (20 yo) but come on, she is supposed to be in the business and knows the basics...

When we STARTED FS she started faking right away; I give her a D (or F) for faking because she sucked. She doesn't even know how to fake.
Girls, keep one thing in mind, faking ruins everything, so don't do it please (especially if you are not a good actress). I prefer a silent girl over a faking one anytime!
Anyway, I booked during her last day and may be she was tired of all the guys before me, so may be that explains her lack of action...

So, if you like to lead, may be you will like her but of you like action from the girl, you will be disapointed.

Looks - 8/10 (if you like petite girls).
Service - 3/10.
Attitude - 6.5/10 (she can carry out a conversation and does seem smart).

Repeat: no thank you.
Toronto Escorts