Toronto Escorts

Review: Angelica GFE Massage


Active member
Jul 20, 2006
Hi All,

I had a session with Angelica last week and thought that I would post my first review.

She advertises on the other board as GFE massage. I believe her definition is very different than the common understanding of GFE.

To start the door fee was higher than what was advertised in her add. I did not question it since I did not want to start off the session on a disagreeable not. I should have noted the red flags. The prices of the options on the table were way higher than most other attendants charge (40% higher). Ended up costing about as much as the same session with an SP.

The Massage itself was ok. The finish on the other hand was very lackluster and she began with very distracting fake moaning when she thought I was getting close. In the end the whole thing was very rushed and not at all sensual. To top things off she called 10 minutes left at the 35 minute mark when I had paid for an hour.

In summary - find out what an acronym means before you use it. This was about as far from GFE can get (her definition being kissing on the body - me on her - and that was even discouraged by body language).

Will not repeat


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Oh yeah.
This chick started with ALO awhile back. Took a session with her and it was very unremarkable.
In fact, services were below unremarkable and had a long conversation with shitty.

Had a second session (not knowing her identity) at another MP.
Marginally better, but she was so self-involved, it was hard to fit her conceit and a decent handjob in the same room. Vowed never to visit another Russian again.

Three words:


Left-handed user
Jan 6, 2007
The outer fringe
No surprise here. Documented, however vaguely, in this thread.
As well, after all her years of activity and incessant advertising, only one meager `reco` on the pink board, none here. Speaks volume!


Active member
Jul 20, 2006

I am not sure how someone who provides such terrible service stays in business. I would assume that most would depend on repeat business.
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