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Requesting Service Providers' Personality Types

Le Voyeur

Nov 18, 2001

Since most people in this group like to know the physical characteristics of an SP, would it be too personal to find out some of their personality traits as well?

The above link is a link to a personality test(for those of you who have studied social science, it's a version of the Myers-Briggs temperment sorter). In addition to phyiscal traits, I think that an SP's personality type can be a somewhat useful indicator of how good(or a bad) a session could be before you pay the big bucks.

What do you all think about factoring an SP's personality type into deciding on your next SP?


Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area
Nice idea. To me looks play a small part in the escort chemistry. Language, background, personality, style -- these are what determine whether I repeat with an sp.
OTOH, one can get too fixated on perceived personality types. Chemistry, including sexual chemistry, can work between two people regardless of differences, and sometimes because of them.


Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
I don't think this is very accurate.
For some it may be but for others it may not.
I think it would be more accurate if the options in each category were allowed to be selected as individual choices rather than as a group.

In each group I was half of one and half of the other, so which do you chose?


Aug 21, 2001
at her six

"As an INTJ, you are Introverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Judging.
This makes your primary focus on Introverted Thinking with an Extraverted Intution.

This is defined as a NT personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Rational (Knowledge Seeking) type, and more specifically the Mastermind or MAD! (added) Scientist.

You aren't as openly affectionate as some of you NT counterparts, and this may cause other bloggers to assume you aren't as friendly. Your ideas and actual applications for these ideas are brilliant, however, and you might be more likely to create something masterful on your journal."

Umm, yea ok that's well....whatever. But will this help me get chicks?!
BTW what the hell's a blogger? And why don't they think I'm friendly?!


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
more to the point, would this give us a tool to detect sociopaths?

I've encountered sociopathic personalities from time to time and generally am looking for a method to let me have "distant early warning" capabilities so I can deal with them more effectively.

ok, a bit ruthless of me at times, but then...
Amateurs hack systems, Professionals hack PEOPLE.

just a thought.
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Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
I used to work for one... gods that was horrible.

come to think of it, I suspect I may have been dealing with a closet sociopath lately, hrmmmmm... it would explain a few things....

its weird how sometimes one thinks.. and thinks more... and recognizes patterns and analyses...

yes, I'm definately thinking that I've recently encountered a closet sociopath. [of course, in perfect 20/20 hindsight, I should be thinking: "what was I thinking!?"]

but thats ok, you live, you learn, you know for the next time.

I know from experience that "the monsters are real"... the trick is to peel away the pretty dressed up exterior and look INSIDE.

I definately concur with the original poster [Le Voyeur] and think this concept has promise.

we'd need a good sized test sample. [and people get spooked by psychological profiling at the best of times] so it could be challenging to authenticate.

as citizen jones mentioned, it may also be somewhat inaccurate. [hence the need for authenticating the methodology]. there is also the issue of the huge amount of "pop psychology" floating around that seems to be trying to sell something and alot of it has little scientific credibility.

so it pays to be careful and methodical and thorough.

ok, enough of my rambling.
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Jan 27, 2002
In Rome with the Pope

"more truthful than tactful" - Would this be me? LOL

"You are an ENTP!
As an ENTP, you are Extraverted, iNtuative, Thinking, and Perceiving.
This makes your primary focus on Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Thinking.

This is defined as a NT personality, which is part of Carl Jung's Rational (Knowledge Seeking) type, and more specifically the Inventors or Visionary

As a weblogger, your love for a discussion may cause you to debate things more often. You might also flit from idea to idea, not completing one before going to the next. Your largest sense is intution, which makes you a good at understanding what is going on around you - and this could act to your benefit when making blog-like posts over a journal."

Get it yet people... It is just who I am. Hell I like pissing some of the people on the board off... It is a great safety barrier. It ensures they never want to see me and I don't have to deal with those who don't suit my personality.


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
safety is job#1

dunno, I find that three feet of reinforced concrete is a good start on a safety barrier.
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Le Voyeur

Nov 18, 2001
My type is ENTP; and after chatting with other people of my type at:

I've become much more conscious of my strengths and weaknesses. Also, I've discovered, through other ENTPs' experiences, that I'm definitely not compatible with ISTJs(The female ones are what I would consider to be Ice Queens).

Also, I'm sorry about the "blogger" terminology. I linked to their test because it was the shortest version of the (Myers-Briggs)test that I could find at the time. The whole "blogging" thing is irrelevant.

For those of you who might still be interested, the following link will yield a much more readable and rewarding description of your profile:

This test also has the ambiguity mentioned by Sasha Jones, but it gives a little more instruction on how to make the appropriate decision. (Also, you should ignore the reference to the Storm Palace.)

I gave this test to five of my friends and they all said that the description they got was at least 90% accurate and mine was as well.

I think this personality categorization thing can be good for filtering out who you are definitely not going to get along with(In my case ISTJs, in any kind of relationship).

Regarding Sociopaths, I think they have the "J"(Judging) characteristic. Please note that I am _not_ saying that people with the Judging characteristic are sociopaths. I'm just saying that I think that in order for a person to be a sociopath, they need to have the Judging characteristic.

Oh by the way, If you like tests, then

1) What's everyones' political compass(I'm left-libertarian like Simon Hughes)? This test takes at least 20 minutes:

2) What's your stress level?(This takes five minutes, and it's weird; apparently I'm easily stressed)

Am I just being way too intrusive/personal with everyone?

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Well that is funny!
Apparently I am an ISTJ.
It is way off on some aspects of my personality though, In general I am FAR from an "ice queen" as you say.

"You're systematic, thorough, painstaking, and hardworking...You get the job done and complete it on are serious and sincere in whatever you work well within a structure...follow the hierarchy...and are particularly strong and careful in keeping track of facts and details... "

Systematic, yes. Thorough, depends on what I working on. Hardworking, yes. As for getting the job done, yes I usually do but I am a huge procrastinator, and often stuff goes unfinished for months. I am getting better at that though. I belive there is a certain order that things should be done in but that order may not be the same for someone else.

Cautious...generally seeking to maintain the status are at your best getting things to the right place at the right time....
Serious, responsible and sensible stalwarts of society...trustworthy and honor your commitments...your word is your solemn vow. Practical and realisitic, you have great powers of concentration....hard to distract once you have embarked what you believe is the best course of action.... ..

Pretty much true. I like to think that while I have a good sense of humor, I am very serious and sensible when it come to my everyday life. Especially realistic.

You are diligent and persevering in your efforts...whether it be school, or work, or love...A half-finished job is not a job well probably believe in "Say what you mean and mean what you say." Private by nature, you appear calm in moments of crisis...

Pretty much true. Except for the half finished part. I tend to leave things half finished and while I feel it is not a job well done unitl it is done, I usually get the job done to a point where I can envision in my head what the finished product will look like.
Private yes, I am not one to really talk about my problems and get all stressed out about stuff. I guess that is where the serious, realisitc side comes into play. If I can;t do anything to change it why get stressed out about it? You only waste energy over something that will essentially remain the same.

You believe in work before pleasure...(gee, like posting before playing the online games on Storm Palace?)..while you don't SEEK leadership positions, you might find yourself in build a reputation for reliable, stable and consistent performance...

I believe work IS pleasure no matter what line of work I end up in I better damn well like it, or I won't do it anymore. The rest is pretty much true.

You like to schedule....even your LEISURE time! It helps to you if it has a purpose, even if that purpose is you, love means bigtime commitment, steadiness and behave appropriately for what the situation demands (for example, romantic in the beginning, and so on)..
When you give your word and are ready to settle down, you follow-through... you expect your partners to act in a similar may stay in a poor relationship because of a sense of might have strong but unspoken reactions under that cool facade...

Yes I like to have pretty much everything planned, although if the whim strikes me I can be very spontaneous as well. It all depends. I can't say that I would stay in a poor relationship now but I have in the past, it was more out of a sense of comfort and familiarity rather than a sense of duty though.

Logical and analytical...quick to point out flaws in other people...when you feel scorned in a relationship, you may not let your partner know it..when it's obvious that the relationship is really over, ending it is just the practical thing to do...

Logical? I like to think so. Analytical? Maybe but not usually to the point that I am judgemental. I am not usually quick to point out flaws in people with the exception of a few extreme cases. As for feeling scorned and ending a relationship, it would all depend on the relationship.

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
Things to look out for: you could immerse yourself in could become rigid in your ways and be thought of as inflexible... don't forget to compliment people and be so concerned with getting the job might overlook the long-range implications of your actions today...don't get stuck in a rut...recognize your emotions, and the values they represent... others might see you as insensitive...
Also, you're skeptical of new ideas you don't see immediate and practical applications may impose judgments on others...expect others to be the way YOU'd be...become more tolerant of difference between people.

Immerse myself in details? Not really. Rigid in my ways, yes very. I like thingks done a certian way and I like my home and surroundings to be comfortable and to my taste, if that is rigid then I guess I am.
Stuck in a rut, yes I can see that happening, although I don't neccessarily see it as a bad thing. If I am at a point in my life where I am comfortable and happy why should I change a thing?
Insensitive? Possibly, it goes back to my philosophy about if I can't change it why get stressed out about it?
I am not neccessarily skeptical of new ideas that I don't see immediate practical use for. If there is no immediate practical use for it, why do I need it right now?


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
Gee all that and no independent verification or rebuttal of the "bitch" thing ? Lol

Le Voyeur

Nov 18, 2001
At this point, I don't know what to say.

When I found out about this personality test stuff, I thought it could add a whole new dimension to picking my next Service Provider. However, it seems that it could open a can of worms.

Does anyone else have comments on the accuracy of their results from the test?

P.S. When this test uses the term "judging," I don't think they mean a person who is desperate/quick to point out flaws in other people. I'm very sure they mean to describe someone who is more like this(taken from the last question of the test):

Prefer my life to be decisive,
imposing my will on it
Prefer knowing what they're
getting themself into
Feel better after making decisions
Enjoy finishing things.
Work for a settled life, with my
plans in order.
Dislike surprises & want
advance warnings.
See time as a finite resource,
and take deadlines seriously.
Like checking off "to do" list.
Feel better with things planned.
Settled. Organized.

I think they should have used the word "orderly" instead of judging.

Also, you might want to know that each option of the test is a characteristic:

1) Extraverted vs. Introverted
2) Intuitive vs. Sensory
3) Thinking vs. Feeling
3) Judging vs. Perceiving

There's a total of 16 possible profiles(some of you might like reading about your significant other or ex.):


Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002

yeah, this kinda sounds right mostly. hehe [mix in some heavy psychological and physiological traumas... some ADD genes and metal teeth... add 2 bodyshots of jaegermeister and you've got...]


You're on a quest for logical're motivated to examine universal truths and principles...always asking "Why?" and "Why not?"...can focus with great intensity on your appreciate elegance and efficiency in thought processes and demand it in your communication...

You might appear low key in appearance and approach, you're hard as nails when challenging a don't like to deal with the your best when developing unusual or complex can be an under- achieving but very capable student...if you don't like a rule, you're quick to challenge it and find flaws in it -- this could make you somewhat of a rebel...if you like the rule, though, you have a respect for it and go along with it...

A relentless learner in areas that hold your might seem "lost in thought" to tend to connect unrelated would rather be the architect of a plan than the implementer of need a private, quiet workplace that allows for flexible independence... would rather organize ideas than people....

You tend to stay away from traditional leadership roles, and would rather lead with your don't get emotionally involved, but rather tend to follow logical reasoning.....leisure has two dimensions to you: first, you like to concentrate and reflect on conceptual matters -- second, you like to take risks in the external world (like skydiving?)...

You like to read, think, watch TV, play with computers..(and post on the Storm Palace message bases).. sometimes you'd rather do these types of things than hang around other don't necessarily like "best sellers" or "must see" movies because you don't trust people's opinion on what's "popular" and would rather make a value judgment for yourself....

Love, for you, has three distinct phases: falling in, staying in, and getting out. falling in love is a loss of rationality for you, and you fall all or nothing phenomenon....

The "staying in love" phase is where you start to evaluate the relation- ship's structure and form. You may withdraw at this point because you're moving toward your most customary inward style and nature. A lot of the open affection stops....the giddy state changes... The "falling out of love" part (which doesn't always happen) results from an analysis of the real expectations of the realationship and needs of the relationship. Often an undefined line is crossed that neither of you knew about in advance. However, if you end it, you'll keep the relationship going as a friend in some capacity if you have a reason....

Pitfalls: don't focus too much on the inconsistencies of others...try being friendly and showing appreciation of others...being competent is very important to you, and you could be too hard on yourself....don't let your emotions take control -- you could have outbursts or appear hypersensitive...
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