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Reminder to Joe Theismann


New member
Aug 19, 2001
BlahBlah said:
Those who live in glass houses should not be throwing stones:
That's the reason why he had such an extreme reaction to the Williams signing, he was really hurt by what happened to his son.
All the same, there's no comparison. Williams hasn't even been charged with a crime. It's also very hypocritical to continue working with Michael Irvin in the media with his history. (whether you believe Irvin is a "born again Christian" or not).


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
totravel said:
That's the reason why he had such an extreme reaction to the Williams signing, he was really hurt by what happened to his son.
All the same, there's no comparison. Williams hasn't even been charged with a crime. It's also very hypocritical to continue working with Michael Irvin in the media with his history. (whether you believe Irvin is a "born again Christian" or not).
Joe was just blowing smoke..... great football players, big mouth, now part of the media means = talks alot of bullshit...

Irvin never quit on his team or allowed his off field problems to pose too much of an on field problem..

Ricky was born again before the season last year, and he is born again this season claiming to be drug free.... again...

Does the CFL have a drug testing policy??? Will the Argos submit him to random drug tests.... Do you think that him and Onterrrio "whizzinator" Smith are good friends... If you do not know what the whizzinator is is a link to the story...


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
I was originally opposed to the fact that the Argos would consider Ricky Williams. Personally it's not a good message that they are sending to the community or to the kids.... all it says is that it's OK to do drugs as long as you have some sort of star power someone will hire you...

After thinking about it, I realized that Canadians already made that decision years ago, when Ross "second hand smoke" Rebagliatti got back his gold medal and Canada cheered....

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
slowandeasy said:
Does the CFL have a drug testing policy??? Will the Argos submit him to random drug tests?
The NFL will be testing him as often as three times a week.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Cool Dude said:
The NFL will be testing him as often as three times a week.
But if the CFL is allowing him to play despite past failed drug tests, does it matter whether the NFL tests him?? Will the NFL share the results with the Argos or the CFL???

Given the history of Williams, should the Argos not insist that they get the results of the test as well, and implement a policy if the CFL does not have one??


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
GlavaMan said:
If the CFL wanted a drug testing program...they'd have one.
The CFL can barely pay it's light bills, much less have money left over for luxuries.... Shit if they were smart like Vince McMahon they would sell the damn drugs/steroids to the players and make some real coin!!!!!:rolleyes:


New member
Dec 2, 2001
totravel said:
That's the reason why he had such an extreme reaction to the Williams signing, he was really hurt by what happened to his son.
I just listened to the interview in its entirety on, Theismann never once mentioned his son's drug history.
Shame on Landry and Stellick for not going after him on that. I'm not in favour of bringing up people's personal lives, however his son was arrested and convicted. This information is on the public record, and I found out simply by googling "Joe Theismann arrested". Lo and behold, I got the hit on his son. They would not have been crossing any lines by bringing that up. And on the totem pole of scum, drug dealers are far worse than drug users.
Shame on them also for not taking Theismann to task by asking about Michael Irvin and the almost daily headlines of NFL'ers' legal issues. Theismann even asks about the Fan 590 drug policy. He practically lobbed them a fat juicy one and they failed to ask about ESPN's policy. Not only are those two (Landry & Stellick) not funny, they're terrible at conducting interviews.
I would respect Theismann's comments if he even said something to the effect of, "I have seen loved ones battle drugs and this is why I feel so strongly about it. Ricky needs help and for his own good, the CFL should've honoured the NFL suspension." But instead, this idiot bashes the Argos, Ricky, the CFL, and comes across as a complete ass, by ignoring what's happened to those in the NFL, at ESPN and within his very own family.

Cool Dude

Fighting Irishman
Feb 25, 2002
slowandeasy said:
But if the CFL is allowing him to play despite past failed drug tests, does it matter whether the NFL tests him?? Will the NFL share the results with the Argos or the CFL???

Given the history of Williams, should the Argos not insist that they get the results of the test as well, and implement a policy if the CFL does not have one??
Yes, yes and yes.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Joe Who?

The Argos are trying to bring in fans, many of whom wouldn't know Joe Theismann form Joseph Haydn.

Theismann probably knows he is irrelevant to this discussion. He is probably planning to run for public office somewhere and this is about him staking out his anti-drug ground.

I'm not surprised by his shameless grandstanding. Remember that Governor in New Jersy who said he wouldn't allow a Mike Tyson fight in his state on moral grounds? The same guy who was forced out of office when it came out that he gave a cushy Homeland Security job to his gay lover!


New member
May 29, 2005
It's clearly a case of passive aggressive behaviour or projecting or whatever you want to call it. No wonder Joe was so out of line with his comments. Welcome to toronto Ricky!


New member
Aug 4, 2005
I'm confused

How do the actions of his son preclude him from having a comment on Ricky Williams and what relevance do they have on the discussion? His son was arrested - not him. If they had asked him about his son would he not have said that drugs are wrong and that people should be held accountable for their actions? Not having any kids myself I cannot comment on what my children's actions might reflect about me, but I know that, even though I was raised right, and am generally a good person, my actions at this point in my life don't reflect the parenting skills of my parents.

Theismann's interview on the Fan590 was carried at night with Stormin' Norman and he played an interview with Joe from a Pittsburgh charity golf tournament last year. Theismann responded much in the same way - Williams is a bad teammate who clearly doesn't have the desire to play football. Williams came back to play so that he would not have to repay his signing bonus. He walked out on his team and now when somoeone has the nerve to call him on it the Argos erase the A from Joe's helmet.

With Joe they were a classy organization who came within a fumble of the Grey Cup - what they will be with Williams, other than a safe haven for a repeat drug offender - has yet to be determined.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Denton said:
How do the actions of his son preclude him from having a comment on Ricky Williams and what relevance do they have on the discussion? His son was arrested - not him. If they had asked him about his son would he not have said that drugs are wrong and that people should be held accountable for their actions? Not having any kids myself I cannot comment on what my children's actions might reflect about me, but I know that, even though I was raised right, and am generally a good person, my actions at this point in my life don't reflect the parenting skills of my parents.

Theismann's interview on the Fan590 was carried at night with Stormin' Norman and he played an interview with Joe from a Pittsburgh charity golf tournament last year. Theismann responded much in the same way - Williams is a bad teammate who clearly doesn't have the desire to play football. Williams came back to play so that he would not have to repay his signing bonus. He walked out on his team and now when somoeone has the nerve to call him on it the Argos erase the A from Joe's helmet.

With Joe they were a classy organization who came within a fumble of the Grey Cup - what they will be with Williams, other than a safe haven for a repeat drug offender - has yet to be determined.
Joes son was not only arrested for drug possession, he was also charged with dealing cocaine......

I also think that Joe was charged with beating up one his ex wife....

The issue is not whether Joe has a right to shoot his mouth off or not... it's about whether he is an idiot or not... Here we have a guy who's son is a convicted coke dealer, beats up his wife and works with Michael Irvin (a known druggie who was recently charged with a drug offence) shooting his mouth off that Ricky Williams should not get a job!!!!

Do you think that Joe is going out there and telling his son's employers that they should not hire his son?? Is he telling his employers that he does not want to work with Irvin??? Should his employers not hire wife abusers??? Are wife abusers now above drug users on the social ladder????

Oh yes... did you perhaps forget that we are the country whose first winter olympic gold medalist a few olympics was taken away because the drug test found weed in his system... We are also the country that lobbied to have the medal given back to our pothead snowboarder

Perhaps that will help to clear up your confusion.....


Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON
Maybe Joe is adamant about drugs users because he has seen what they did to his son. He knows what can happen. I have no problem with what he said about Ricky. What I didn't like what when he said teh Argos have no class...he went too far with that comment. As for Irvin, its not his decision who the networks hire. Many of us have to work with people we don't think should have been hired, but we live with it. As for Ricky Williams, the irony is there are several players in the CFL who were under suspension by the NFL, Onterrio Smith, R.J. Soward, Bernard Williams. The difference with Ricky is he is under contract to the Dolphins while the others were released before signing with the CFL.
That being said, I bought my tickets to the Argos home opener.:rolleyes:
Last edited:


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
Coach said:
That being said, I bought my tickets to the Argos home opener.:rolleyes:
I will see you at the game...

I guess that where most of us get annoyed is that Joe was quick to point fingers without qualifying his position... If he is so much against drug use, then he should start by blasting his employers for keeping Irwin on staff... Perhaps he should hire Private Detectives to investigate the executives of his network etc to find out if they are clean....

To clarify my position.... The CFL needs to stop acting like such a desparate organization all the time and grow some morals and standards. I am surprised that after OJ was found innocent that some CFL GM did not put him on their protected list incase he decided to come up to Canada to search for the killers...

People like Ricky Williams and Wizzinator Smith were kicked out of the NFL for breaking their standards of conduct...why the hell do we want our league to be associated with players like this? because he is a great football player?? IMHO that is not a good enough reason to smear the CFL's image..... i guess that the CFLs image is so bad that the signing of pot heads is a step up!!!

And CFL owners and executives wonder why the league will never be taken seriously??? Are these guys that dumb??? Wait.... actually them must be, they allowed the Gliebermans to own not one but TWO CFL teams...

I am probably going to buy Argos Seasons Tickets this year because I like what the organization has been doing over the past few years... but everytime they make moves like this, I lose respect for the league and the team...
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