Toronto Escorts

Reggie Miller to Boston


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Rumor has it that 42 year old broadcaster Miller is thinking of coming out of retirement with the Boston Celtics.

If this is true, WOW -Boston keeps adding to their arsenal.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Sonic Temple
One last kick at the can for one of the best players in his era never to win the big one (along Sir Charles, K. Malone, ect.)


New member
Aug 7, 2007
Potential To Be The Fearsome Foursome.....

If the Celtics can convince Reggie Miller to sign the Atlantic Divison will be tough.Man what a complete makeover for the Celtics. Paul Pierce was always a very consistant scorer ,now they have 7 time all star Ray Allen and a former MVP in Kevin Garnett along with the kid Rajon Rondo (this guy has hops!!) at the point. Its a real good opportunity for Reggie Miller to go deep again in the playoffs. Even though he's never gonna be the same Reggie Miller from the early 90's he can still provide some clutch outside shooting. I remember that one game where he drained like 3 from downtown in a matter of seconds against the Knicks I think. It was sick!! He drained a three then he stole and stepped behind the arc and drained another then he did it again!! Anyone remember that game?


New member
May 25, 2007
It would be dream come true for Boston, but in all the article I have read it seems very, very, VERY unlikely he will come out of retirement. Reggie seems to really enjoy the broadcasting life!

As for Hall of Fame, I would like to see him there just because I am big fan and I think he made a impact in his career to make some room for himself in the hall


New member
Aug 7, 2007
Hall Of Famer?

No question about that. In my opinion one of the best shooters to play the game. Its too bad he only had Rik Smits, the 2 Davis's, J. O'Neal, Artest and Rose as notable teammates thruout his career. I really think that if he had a better supporting cast the year they played the Lakers in the final it would have been a close series.


Feb 26, 2004
13th all time in scoring in the NBA. One of the best perimeter shooters ever. One of the best clutch shot makers. He's a lock for the HOF.....


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Miller is a lock for the HOF. All he has to do with the Celts is play a little D on the 2 man and then to spot up past the arc and wait. He will still draw a defender and is a credible 3-pt threat. Plus, this is a great shot at the ring he never won.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Ray Allen is their pull-up 3 point guy. I don't think Miller will fit in with those guys. Heres the breakdown..

Pierce is the scoring man in Boston. He will do most of the scoring every game.

KG will score less grab rb and go to the line. He will look for Pierce and Allen and keep the defence wondering which Celtic will kill us today.

Allen's role will be to run down the court on the breakaway's and pull-up for 3's to put the nail in the coffin for the opponent. For example 4th q game is tied 85-85 Allen now runs down and pulls up for 2-3 3's and puts the game out of reach for the opponent.

Wilh these 3 assassins on the same team Reggie will not get that much shots UNLESS they use him as a decoy in a last play kind of play where they bring him on in hopes that the opponent thinks he's getting the ball then he pass's it out to Allen for the 3??


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Miller would strictly be an off the bench player. In the late goings of a close game, you can put him on the court on offense and call a time out before the change in posession (he might be a defensive liability). But having him come off the bench for, let's say 8 to 12 minutes would be a huge asset. But if the coach decides to go with a smaller team on offense, late in a game; with KG down low and Allen, Miller and Pierce up top the D would still have to guard Miller posted down low on the corners (where he likes to shoot his 3's from) -that would give Allen his more favored 3-point shooting area at the sides off the top and it would allow Pierce more room to manouver if he decides to take it to the rack.

If and this is a big if -if Miller comes back; he's a pro, and he would certainly, at 42; recognize his role on a team like this. He's never been the type of player that demanded the rock but he has no qualms of raining it down when the team needs it.


Dos XX at Senor Frogs
Jan 13, 2004
Playa Del Carmen Q.R.
Then it shall remain a mystery. An argument that years from now might be played out between friends in some obscure bar in New England - did he have one more year, could he still drain the three in coverage, would he have made the Celts champs again -we'll never know.

Somewhere out there in Beantown a fans' hopes is crushed :)
Ashley Madison
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