Record High in U.S. Say Big Government Greatest Threat


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Obama is driving a change after all….. no one is completely useless, you can always serve as a bad example…

Seventy-two percent of Americans say big government is a greater threat to the U.S. in the future than is big business or big labor, a record high in the nearly 50-year history of this question. The prior high for big government was 65% in 1999 and 2000. Big government has always topped big business and big labor, including in the initial asking in 1965, but just 35% named it at that time.


Sep 25, 2013
Of course, all of that bloated military spending, two wars, graft and corruption by the GOP, shut downs of government I would be pissed as we'll. If we want improvement we must destroy the Tea Party and give the D's control of both houses as we'll as POTUS.

Edward Snowden sure raised the stakes. This security state shit is truly oppressive. No wonder Americans hate that. Big Brother is here. Luckily a judge recently ruled against the NSA.

The Patriot Act, big government at its worst.

Add it up. NSA + Patriot Act + War in Iraq for nothing + War in Afganistan nothing to show in a war longer than WW2 + GOP Shutdown of government + GOP attacks on ACA + Tea Party lunatics + Ted Cruz + no immigration reform + no farm bill + underfunded education + cutbacks on foodstamps + cutbacks to headstart + Gerrymandered election results + drone attacks + deregulation of Wall St + lord knows what next = one pissed off nation
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