Reasonable cancelation Notice


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Since no shows have been such a hot topic lately ( and rightfully so )

Nobody like cancellations, but these things are bound to happen, especially when appointments are booked days or weeks in advance. Things come up, people have bad days, get sick...etc.

I for one would appreciate it if an SP called me up and said, "I know we have an appointment but I have a cold, could we reshedual for another time ?" I expect many SP's would feel the same way.

So what would be acceptable notice 24 hours, 12 hours, 1 hour ?

For appointments booked days, or even a day in advance, I like to confirm the appointment a couple of hours in before. Have sp's adopted similar confrimation requirements ? If so, would you cancel the appointment if it cannot be confirmed the day of ?

Just thinking out loud,



Jun 27, 2005
Out there; somewhere.
As a hobbyist I would like to know as soon as possible if an SP is going to cancel (of course). However, as a minimum I would want enough time to contact another SP for the same night. So chances are, 1 hour before will not be enough time to schedule someone else. The day before leaves some possibilities.

I imagine this probably applies to SPs as well. If a client has to cancel, hopefully there is enough time to book someone else. I really like confirming a few hours before; it reassures everyone involved that the meeting will most likely happen.


Locita Chicita
Sep 12, 2005
Near you

twizzler2 said:
Since no shows have been such a hot topic lately ( and rightfully so )

Nobody like cancellations, but these things are bound to happen, especially when appointments are booked days or weeks in advance. Things come up, people have bad days, get sick...etc.

I for one would appreciate it if an SP called me up and said, "I know we have an appointment but I have a cold, could we reshedual for another time ?" I expect many SP's would feel the same way.

So what would be acceptable notice 24 hours, 12 hours, 1 hour ?

For appointments booked days, or even a day in advance, I like to confirm the appointment a couple of hours in before. Have sp's adopted similar confrimation requirements ? If so, would you cancel the appointment if it cannot be confirmed the day of ?

Just thinking out loud,

As long as the person made contact prior to the appointment, I'm ok with that. However as a courtesy the more notice the better. I like to book appointments in advance and leave reasonable time between each to hit the mall or to go get a tan. Last minute cancellations usually mean more free time (i.e. no chance usually in getting a last minute booking) which sometimes is ok and I do realize that circumstances can arise that makes this unavoidable. With 24 hrs or more notice there is always a chance to fill in the gap!!! ALl that I ask is please be considerate and if you know in advance you can't make it, be a gentleman and let me know as far in advance as possible, I would do the same for you! and if you don't cancel all the better I'll just do you!!!!!

Stacey xxooxx

WOW, just re-read my post... too funny, even when I am trying to be serious, there it is again, nothing butt sex LOL!!! "cirCUMstances can ARISE....FILL in the GAP"!!!!


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Sometimes it isn't possible/practical/discreet for an SP to contact a gentleman and let him know that the session needs to be called off. That's why it's always a good idea to phone an hour/half hour in advance to check.

With respect to customers cancelling on us, they're pretty much at the mercy of our impressions. If we believe they've cancelled frivolously, then they might not get another appointment. But oftentimes, we understand.

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