Re: Escorts and Taxes ???
It is assumed by most people, myself included, that escorts do not claim their income from the business and hence do not pay taxes on this money. I am curious as to: a) whether or not this is indeed the case, b) whether or not it is feasible for escorts to report their income without putting themselves at risk of prosecution for prostitution related offenses, and c) any other tax and prostitution related tidbits or stories that anyone wishes to relate.
Also, Asia Lee mentioned something in another thread about individual escorts setting themselves up as a company to avoid taxation problems and was wondering what she meant exactly.
And no, I do not work for Revenue Canada or any other tax collection type authority. I am simply curious.
It is assumed by most people, myself included, that escorts do not claim their income from the business and hence do not pay taxes on this money. I am curious as to: a) whether or not this is indeed the case, b) whether or not it is feasible for escorts to report their income without putting themselves at risk of prosecution for prostitution related offenses, and c) any other tax and prostitution related tidbits or stories that anyone wishes to relate.
Also, Asia Lee mentioned something in another thread about individual escorts setting themselves up as a company to avoid taxation problems and was wondering what she meant exactly.
And no, I do not work for Revenue Canada or any other tax collection type authority. I am simply curious.
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