Allegra Escorts Collective

Raptor's Season is Over

Rising Sun

Jan 18, 2004
Well, the season's over and the Raptors are out of the playoffs again. (They were "mathematically" eliminated several weeks ago but I believe in miracles!)

Raptors out.
Vince in.

Boston should've won that that game against the Nets. They were playing their young guns the last quarter and sitting Pierce and 'Toine. But resting their studs for the playoffs was the smart move. Damn!

I have absolutely no optimism for next season;
Donyell's gone.
Really don't think Jalen and Rafer have worked things out.
Hoffa hasn't shown anything all season.
Pape Sow? Give me a break. A few seconds of brilliance don't mean squat.
Still get nervous when I see Milt handle the ball.

Okay, I have alittle bit of optimism;
Bosh is awesome. Don't understand why they don't run more plays through him. (Probably b/c Rafer's taking too many bad shots.)
Mo is still one of the most underrated players in the league. He just needs to learn how to play on the road.
Sam Mitchell, imho is the coach that the Raptors need.

I'm still giving Babcock one more season before I turn on him. I think that a GM's moves are always long term unlike a coach or player who really needs to have immediate impact.

Until next year.

Let's Go Raptors!!!
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