RANT: Stealing Content from my Site


Out-Call Escort Agency
Supporting Member
Jan 12, 2003
Out-call Only

I have taken creative writing classes over the years to upgrade my skills in writing, specifically for web site content. I take a lot of time and am careful on how I represent my company, Cupids Escorts, and took a long time writing the content of my web site. But over the years it seems like other agencies, even advertisers on this board, have taken content from my site and used it as their own. Within the past four years that I have caught SIX different agencies use my content, claiming it as their own.
Each and every time I have called them on this. Promptly they change the content and always blame anyone other then themselves for their lack of creativity and their sly way of being a thief.
I am now going to just submit it to www.idonothaveabrain.com because I never receive as much as an apology or credit for my writing. Shouldn't I be receiving royalties if someone uses my copyright material on their site?
Currently I am working on a lot more content for my new site that will be uploaded shortly which is a daunting task, I guess I will be publishing it in a jpg format so it wont be so easy to copy to steal.
Should I bother contacting the latest agency and remind them that they are not Cupids and they don't have the right to take from my site? Nahh, I will just let them read this thread and hope they do the right thing.




New member
Nov 20, 2004
Welcome to the business world....
The new generation....copy info from others...change slightly and call it their own....
I've been self employed for over 20 years....many have copied....
"Best form of Flattery" being copied.
The new "Pepsi" generation....copies everything.

Kind a like....an artist....."remix" a song....and they think they have done something...

Good for you Jillian....


New member
Dec 26, 2006
That sucks! On the bright side? At least no one has opened Cuppids yet:D !
Laziness and stupidity shouldn't be tolerated and the other agency should change their content.
As someone once said to me..imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! You're the Louis Vuitton of the escort world!!!!



resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yeah I know this blows, but that's the problem with having a good idea or a talent: once you put it out in public, everyone suddenly has the same idea.

For one thing, if you site is copyrighted, that you make sure it is publicized on your site because then you not only have a moral leg to stand on, but a legal one too!

Since we're talking here: I have a beef: Jillian, are you going to leave ANY hot girls in this city for us single guys to hit on? LOL. I mean, really, if you keep up at your current rate, every hot single lady in this city will be working for you and if anyone wants a date, they're going to have to talk to you first!!

Please please Puhlease leave a couple out there for us to hit on ok? sniff sniff.......its just not fair (stamps his feet)

(lol I just figured out why there are only homely women on POF and lavalife, Jillian has all the hotties....man, if only I could pick up women the way SHE does, I'd be in H E A V E N lol)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
steph@vixens said:
That sucks! On the bright side? At least no one has opened Cuppids yet:D !
Laziness and stupidity shouldn't be tolerated and the other agency should change their content.
As someone once said to me..imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

While no one has "opened" cuppids yet, I've been known to get one or two cupids to open up to me heheeh

(sorry, couldn't resist)


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
CUPID said:
Shouldn't I be receiving royalties if someone uses my copyright material on their site?
Ah, ah, ah, ah.......the word "copyright" comes in. First, it does suck when other webmasters just copy and paste code, or your own general writing text, and use it as their own for their own profit, or general sense to run a business. You see it everywhere from your example, scripts, TV shows, songs, the list is endless. It sucks, it happens all the time. That's why there are Trademarks and Copyrights. Royalties are possible on the infringement of a Trademark. But, not to make this thread a lecture about Copyright Law, I'll just make it short and simple on copyrights.

What you write and *publish* (big word there) is your own copyright from the date of its creation. However, even if you claim the copyright, you have to file your work in the Copyright Office as proof of copyright, proof of date of registration of copyright, and proof of "registration by application only" of the date the claimant claims the date of creation . In the end it all comes down to that. So you will see all these "All Rights Reserved" and (c) 2008 If-so Fatso, etc. on all these websites, but it holds nothing if there is no registration of copyright. From that point, copyright goes further into countless tangents. Have a nice day. ;)

Gyaos Baltar.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Gyaos said:
. In the end it all comes down to that. So you will see all these "All Rights Reserved" and (c) 2008 If-so Fatso, etc. on all these websites, but it holds nothing if there is no registration of copyright. From that point, copyright goes further into countless tangents. Have a nice day. ;)

Gyaos Baltar.
"If-so Fatso"? whats that supposed to mean?

did you mean ipso facto?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
red said:
"If-so Fatso"? whats that supposed to mean?

did you mean ipso facto?
LOL OMFG that's funny....I didn't get that the first time I read it....lol if so fatso lol.....oh F me that's funny....... is that from the red neck dictionary? lol.....


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
rubmeister100 said:
That is wrong.
A certificate of registration of copyright is also recommended, as evidence that the copyright is registered to the owner (section 53 (2))."
Sorry, you contradict your own statement by repeating what I wrote, just with different words and quoting the actual statute. In CANADA the "recommendation" (not the best of words) is EVIDENCE as you so profoundly quoted under the section. So you register the copyright as EVIDENCE. Again, as I stated in my original post, it all comes down to that IN THE END.

So you are only repeating what I said, in different words trying to contradict my induction. That doesn't happen and has no logic. I made the claim, "What you write and *publish* (big word there) is your own copyright from the date of its creation." is that any different than you saying "Copyrights in Canada are automatically created upon the creation of...." ?

*Created*, whether automatic, immediate, or whatever the additional adjective is, are the same. It comes down to PROOF. And I am correct. Because the topic of this thread deals with computer files, which can be deleted, recorded over, re-edited, re-dated, etc., etc., etc., therefore you require a proof of copyright and again, repeating myself (like I'm jacking off), a proof of registration if "recommended". I claim, it is essential, if one wants to make the topic of copyright an issue to reclaim funds, residuals, retributions, or a free lay.

Gyaos Baltar.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
rubmeister100 said:
No, what you said is that you HAVE to register the work to gain copyright protection. By the way Perry Mason... it is ipso facto.
I didn't say the phrase "gain copyright protection", read it again. I said proof of copyright. Proof. That means to prove it exists.

...even if you claim the copyright, you have to file your work in the Copyright Office as proof of copyright, proof of date of registration of copyright, and proof of "registration by application only" of the date the claimant claims the date of creation.

The word I used was "Proof". Not "Gain". A computer file can be over written and the date changed in an instant. A script on hard paper cannot be amended like that.

That's right. If-so-Fatso. Hypocritical Oath, that sort of thing.

Gyaos Baltar.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
CUPID said:

I have taken creative writing classes over the years to upgrade my skills in writing, specifically for web site content. I take a lot of time and am careful on how I represent my company, Cupids Escorts, and took a long time writing the content of my web site. But over the years it seems like other agencies, even advertisers on this board, have taken content from my site and used it as their own. Within the past four years that I have caught SIX different agencies use my content, claiming it as their own.
Each and every time I have called them on this. Promptly they change the content and always blame anyone other then themselves for their lack of creativity and their sly way of being a thief.
I am now going to just submit it to www.idonothaveabrain.com because I never receive as much as an apology or credit for my writing. Shouldn't I be receiving royalties if someone uses my copyright material on their site?
Currently I am working on a lot more content for my new site that will be uploaded shortly which is a daunting task, I guess I will be publishing it in a jpg format so it wont be so easy to copy to steal.
Should I bother contacting the latest agency and remind them that they are not Cupids and they don't have the right to take from my site? Nahh, I will just let them read this thread and hope they do the right thing.




rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
Welcome to the modern world. We live in a fast food culture now. People don't want to go to school any more be educated when they can play ball or sing a tune or climb off the work of others to get business and earn 100x more than a scientist or doctor or engineer. (Better yet, join the TTC, sit on your ass all day, drive a bus and earn more than a nurse that saves lives and requires real education).

As the world becomes increasingly Eastern / Oriental / Asian versus Western, notions of intellectual property are thrown out the door. Easterners / Orientals / Asians just don't care about it.

And we feed that mentality - we buy knock offs and think it's OK for several reasons, we pirate software and come up with a host of excuses, we outsource our manufacturing and services in the name of profit and lower prices, we even outsource our food sources to third world countries that use God knows what chemicals and destroy rainforests for cabbage patches (you know what I mean) so we can get cheap cabbage year round.

Who needs to bother learning something, when you can steal, destroy it, use someone elses idea, outsource it quicker and cheaper? Thinking and doing the right thing takes time. And time is money, haven't you heard? So someone steals your words? In today's world, people wil say that's flattery.
Toronto Escorts