Ashley Madison

random street question


Active member
May 11, 2009
I just had a random question about a woman I see on the streets of downtown Ottawa. Yes, I realize I should avoid the street scene generally but this has been on my mind for a while.

She's about 5'7", somewhat slim (~130 lbs), brown hair, probably in her early 30's. I've run into her a few times in the downtown area when she's asking for change, I've actually given her some food to eat rather than money a couple of times. Doesn't quite look homeless, though I'm almost certain there's a substance issue.

I dunno why, but I'm strangely attracted to her, even though she's a bit "used up" looking compared to what I'm usually attracted to. I really shouldn't be asking this, but does anyone know if she provides? I can be fairly certain she's not LE considering she's been around for years and I've never heard her openly solicit. Still, it's probably not a good idea from a health and hygiene perspective...


The street scene is considered an illegal activity thus it is not discussed here on Terb. So you won't find any info on her but I'm sure some members have seen her 'handling just as you have. You have answered most of your own questions in your thread. It's not an avenue you want to go down. Giving her food is helping her more than money if she uses the $ for drugs. Good on you for that!


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Right on Glava. Walk - I think you had the right answer all along, but the curious little brain is causing some confusion. You don't know anything about her or what she does to survive the streets. Just 'cuz she's female and in a vulnerable position doesn't mean she's safe and good for you.

You were doing a kindness to give her food and that speaks well for your character. Let it go at that.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
We often find ourselves trying to be the white knight. Relationships all have there own road maps. One mistake I have made is that I have applied the rules or "map" form an old relationship to a new one or a random stranger. It would be like taking the Ottawa street map to Toronto all the street names are the same but the map won't get you to the right place (Ottawa's Queen street and Toronto's Queen street are very different).

I can't speak for you on this one, but often I meet someone and have to step back and remember to keep an open book about who they are, and what we are to each other.


Active member
May 11, 2009
Thanks for the feedback guys. Definitely a case of the small head getting in the way of the decision making by the big head. Actually, talking about the white knight thing, my original fantasy (before I even knew there was a hobbyist scene) involved getting to know her and somehow "saving" her from the streets - though logically I know it's just that - a fantasy.


New member
Aug 21, 2004
WOW, you should go to Afghanistan and do some missionary work there too.......I am sure most of the street SPs are crack heads and are not even sure what city they re in half the time.


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
I think I know who you're talking about. Does she have a lazy eye, kinda? She's definitely slim but given her facial appearance I'd agree there seems to be a substance issue. I've seen her over in Hull around 5:30 pm or so trying to pan to get back across the river (really, that's what she uses the money for rather than walk back across -- she could save it). I'll also admit to wondering what if ...


New member
May 6, 2006
I know who you mean. Actually, she even panhandles inside government buildings in Hull. I'm sure she's not a street walker. They let you know what they're selling right away. This one just asks for change. She has been doing it for years and is still surviving, so she must have something going for her.
Ashley Madison
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