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R. Kelly charged with sexually abusing 4 victims, at least 3 of them minors


Mar 27, 2016
This is been going on for years and the libtard music industry did nothing or said nothing....there was a video online years ago of him having sex with a youngster..

Embattled R&B superstar R. Kelly will turn himself in to authorities Friday night and is scheduled to appear in bond court in Chicago Saturday to face charges of 10 counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse.
Cook County prosecutors alleged in an explosive indictment filed Friday that the abuse involved four victims, at least three of them minors, in instances from 1998 to 2010.

The minors were between 13 and 16, prosecutors said.
Prosecutors appeared before Judge Dennis Porter Friday, who approved a no-bail warrant for Kelly, records show. It’s unclear when Kelly will turn himself in to authorities.
At a news conference Friday, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx briefly went through the charges against Kelly, 51. Each count is a Class 2 felony, each of which can be punished by three to seven years in prison or as little as probation.

Foxx answered no questions at the news conference.

Kelly’s attorney, Steven Greenberg, said before Foxx’s news conference that he had not been notified that his client had been charged. Later Friday afternoon, Greenberg told reporters outside R. Kelly’s Near West Side studio that Kelly would be cleared.
“He’s going to go to bond court, and he’s gonna get out,” he said. “They’re making him a sacrificial lamb for their own sake and there’s no merit to any of this.”
Kelly has been dogged by allegations of sexual impropriety for two decades, charges that were first detailed by the Chicago Sun-Times. The indictment on Friday marks the first time he has been charged with any crimes since he was acquitted of child pornography charges in 2008 in a case that received international attention.

In the 36-page indictment, prosecutors outline a variety of alleged sexual misconduct against Kelly. The victims were only identified by their initials.

In one instance, he allegedly ejaculated on the victim’s body “for the purpose of Robert Kelly’s or L.C.’s sexual gratification or arousal,” the indictment says.
In the three other instances, the victims performed oral sex on Kelly, the document says.
Michael Avenatti, a well-known attorney who said he recently provided a videotape of R. Kelly having sex with a 14-year-old girl to the Cook County state’s attorney’s office, said at a news conference in Chicago Friday afternoon that he is representing at least one of the girls that were included in the indictment handed down.

He declined to identify his client, who he said was a minor at the time of the alleged abuse. He also declined to say what his client told a grand jury investigating the singer.


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
At freeeeeakin last

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
The only thing that comes to mind when I hear this stuff is Aaliyah and him back from the day. This guy is so fucked up from waaaay back.

Johnny Utah

Active member
Jun 9, 2017
I know there is a documentary, but with so much evidence, how did he not get charged before?

Is it just the rich and fame?


Well-known member
I'm very surprised he didn't hop a plane to a non extradition country a long time ago. That alone, reeks of arrogance and ignorance about wealth and power...….


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
I know there is a documentary, but with so much evidence, how did he not get charged before?

Is it just the rich and fame?

According to many it's because he abused and assaulted young black girls. That is, if they were white, he'd have been convicted long ago.

I'm not sure what to make of that theory considering it is the black community and those closest to him that encircled, enabled and facilitated his sick behaviour for decades.

Lying and protecting him, allowing him to operate in plain sight.

If you haven't seen the documentary you should. It's very well done. But extremely disturbing and heartbreaking to see firsthand the torment he's caused to so many girls'/ladies' lives plus their parents/loved ones. What's heartening is the ladies are all strong survivors. It's largely due to them finally coming forward, that he got cast back under the judicial spotlight again.

R Kelly is a predator, a monster, akin to a cult master. I hope he gets everything he deserves but somehow I doubt he will.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I'm very surprised he didn't hop a plane to a non extradition country a long time ago. That alone, reeks of arrogance and ignorance about wealth and power...….
He didn't because he's not afraid of the justice system. He was acquitted of something like 21 counts of child porn back in 2008.
Look at the case of Jeffery Epstein. He should have been doing years behind bars but he ended up getting 13 months in a cushy private jail with day privileges.
For the most part there's one justice system for the average person. And one for the wealthy, powerful and connected.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Too bad he had to be a predator. His music is enjoyable.

The money ran out and that's why his world is crashing down. He's now broke after spending his $100 - $150 million fortune on lifestyle and predatory payoffs.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I have Kels on my Mount Rushmore of 90's R&B. Great artist. But quite obviously a sick twisted mofo in real life.
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